
Discover Roccamonfina: a charming village in the heart of Campania

If you're looking for a quiet and fascinating place to visit, you should consider a trip to Roccamonfina. This Italian municipality in the province of Caserta in Campania, located at about 600 meters above sea level, offers a breathtaking view of the eastern slopes of Mount Santa Croce and is part of the Roccamonfina-Foce Garigliano Regional Park. In this article, we will guide you through some of the historical and cultural attractions of the village.

Physical Geography

Roccamonfina is located inside the crater of the ancient Roccamonfina volcano and is surrounded by lush chestnut vegetation. Near the town, you will find Mount Santa Croce, whose volcanic cone towers over the surrounding hills.

Roccamonfina: discover it and be enchanted by Campania.


The volcanic area of Roccamonfina has been inhabited since ancient times, as evidenced by traces of settlements dating back to the 6th century BC. In the 3rd century AD, a stable community began to form in the territory. The current settlement is documented from the 10th century, when it was called Roccae Monfinum. The name of the village derives from the fortress located on the top of Mount Fina. Over the centuries, Roccamonfina was ruled by various feudal dynasties, including the Marzano family and the princes of Stigliano.

The city played an important role during the Middle Ages thanks to the establishment of a weekly market and an annual fair. In the 17th century, an heiress of Pope Clement VIII acquired the property of Roccamonfina, but the village was severely hit by the plague epidemic of 1656. During the Bourbon rule of Naples, Roccamonfina became a royal land under the direct control of the sovereign.


The village of Roccamonfina was awarded a commendation by the Campania Region in 2002 for its difficult geological situation due to its volcanic activity.

Monuments and places of interest

The municipality of Roccamonfina is rich in historical and cultural monuments, including churches, convents, and mansions. Here are some of the main places not to be missed:


Roccamonfina is a charming Italian locality that preserves traces of a thousand-year-old history. If you are a history enthusiast and want to discover a place full of charm and beauty, you cannot miss the opportunity to visit this municipality in the province of Caserta. You can admire a breathtaking view of the surrounding hills and immerse yourself in the local culture by visiting the most important historical sites.

Camilla Ricci
Wrote by Camilla Ricci
Updated Sunday, Jun 26, 2022