
Welcome to Roccagiovine, in the heart of the Lucretili Mountains!

If you love nature and ancient history, this is the right place for you. Located in the metropolitan city of Rome, our municipality has only 258 inhabitants, but boasts a series of monuments and places of interest that will leave you speechless.

Roccagiovine, between nature and ancient history: discover our municipality!

Physical geography


Roccagiovine is located at an altitude of 520 meters above sea level, surrounded by the Lucretili Mountains.


Our climate falls into zone E, with an average precipitation of 2203 mm per year.


This small municipality was already known in Roman times thanks to the poet Quintus Horatius Flaccus and the goddess Vacuna. In the Middle Ages, it was part of the fiefdom of the Abbey of Subiaco and in the 14th century, it was governed by the Orsini family. In 1821, it was purchased by the Del Gallo family, current owners of the Castle.

Monuments and places of interest

In our area, you will find several churches and monuments of historical and artistic value. You can visit the Castle of Del Gallo, the church of the Flagellanti, the fountain of the central square, and the Ninfeo degli Orsini. If you are interested in archaeology, do not miss the opportunity to admire the ruins of the villa of Horace and the remains of the temple of Vacuna.


Demographic evolution

The number of inhabitants has always been contained, but in recent years we have seen an increase in the presence of foreign citizens, especially of Romanian nationality.

Traditions and folklore

Roccagiovine is famous for its patronal festivals, such as that of Saint Nicholas of Bari in December, the Madonna di Ronci in May, the Corpus Domini with the famous flower festival, and the celebration of Our Lady of the Snows in August.



Throughout the year, there are many cultural events held in Roccagiovine. Do not miss the famous chestnut festival, the Biennial of Vintage Comics, and the National Exhibition of Art Knives.


The municipality is part of the Aniene Mountain Community. We also have some twinings with other Italian municipalities.

Come visit us, we will be happy to welcome you to our community. Roccagiovine awaits you!

Martina Moretti
Updated Saturday, Dec 10, 2022