
Exploring the world of the pond

Hello friends! Today I would like to talk to you about "stagno", a very interesting chemical element, but also about a small body of water that shares the same name. Additionally, we will discover some Italian and Croatian cities that are named after "stagno" and talk about some famous people with this surname. Are you ready to start?


In Croatia, we find the city of "Ston", located in the Dubrovnik-Neretva region. This city is famous for the walls of Ston, the second longest fortification walls in the world, and for the production of salt and oysters.

In Italy, we find several municipalities that have taken the name of "stagno":

The Pond: let's discover Italian and Croatian cities and characters.


Among the famous people with the surname "stagno", we find Italo Stagno, an Italian unionist and military man who distinguished himself during the Second World War. Roberto Stagno, on the other hand, is the stage name of Vincenzo Andrioli, an Italian tenor. Finally, Tito Stagno, was a well-known Italian journalist and television host.


"Stagno (De Grada)" is the title of a painting by Raffaele De Grada, an Italian painter of the 20th century. This painting portrays a pond immersed in nature, with two figures of men who are fishing. A beautiful representation of one of the positive aspects that the presence of a pond can bring.

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Unfortunately, our tour of the "stagno" has come to an end. I hope that this overview of places, people, and works of art has fueled your curiosity about this chemical element and body of water. And if you ever meet someone with the surname "stagno", you can talk to them about the Italian cities and works of art that share their name! See you soon, friends.

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Tuesday, Jul 5, 2022