Rocca di Papa

Rocca di Papa: at the foot of the Colli Albani

Rocca di Papa is a municipality in Lazio located at the foot of the Colli Albani, also known as the Monti Albani. With a population of 17,484 inhabitants and an area of 40.1 km², it is situated at an altitude of 680 meters above sea level, from where one can admire one of the most beautiful panoramas of the province of Rome.

Ancient and Medieval History

The territory of Rocca di Papa dates back to ancient times and dates back to the 1st millennium B.C. The area was sacred to the Latins, who erected the Temple of Jupiter Laziale. On the eastern shore of Lake Albano, which fell largely within the Rocchigiano territory, the ancient Latin capital of Alba Longa was supposedly located. In the Middle Ages, Rocca di Papa was feuded by various lords, such as the Counts of Tusculum, the Annibaldi, the Orsini, and the Colonna until 1870.

In 1855, the citizens of Rocca di Papa rebelled against the Colonna and proclaimed the ephemeral Republic of Rocca di Papa.

Rocca di Papa: History, Nature, and Culture of the Alban Hills.

Physical Geography

The territory of Rocca di Papa is of volcanic origin and consists mainly of tuff and stones typical of the Colli Albani area, such as peperino and Pietra Sperone. The municipality is one of the largest in the Castelli Romani and ranks third in terms of extension, preceded only by Velletri and Lanuvio. The Geological Map of Italy highlights that the Rocchigiano territory is mainly made up of Lapilli, Scoria, and Pyroxene Sandstone, in addition to other pyroclastic materials.

Monte Cavo

Monte Cavo was the main volcanic cone of the Lazio volcano in the "second phase" of its existence, between 270,000 and 100,000 years ago. Around this volcanic cone, some of the highest mountains of the Rocchigiano territory and the Colli Albani were formed. The area has been classified as "Leucitic Lavas of Rocca di Papa" and "Leucitic Lavas with Olivine".

Annibale's Fields

The Annibale's Fields are located within the Artemisio-Tuscolano enclosure and are made up of Pedogenesis Lapilli and Tuff. This filling derived from pyroclastic products such as lapilli and ash, which over the years have preserved a rich floristic ecosystem.

Eastern shore of Lake Albano

The eastern shore of Lake Albano is an area of final eruptive manifestations, characterized by explosive pyroclastic breccias, lapilli, leucocratic projectiles, ultra-fermic, and xenoliths of lava. This area was also once home to mining activities, aimed at extracting peperino.

Rocca di Papa presents a unique natural, historical, and archaeological heritage. Numerous archaeological sites and medieval churches are scattered throughout the municipality's territory. Some of the most important are the Church of Santa Maria degli Angeli Patroni, the Church of Sant'Antonio, the Church of San Giovanni Evangelista, and the Church of Madonna del Tufo.

The Regional Park of Castelli Romani

Rocca di Papa is home to the Regional Park of Castelli Romani, one of the most important parks in Lazio. The park's territory extends for about 15,000 hectares over six municipalities of Castelli Romani, including Albano Laziale, Ariccia, Castel Gandolfo, Genzano di Roma, Nemi, and Rocca di Papa. The park embraces vast flora and fauna, including rare species such as the Italian Knight, the Peregrine Falcon, and the Royal Owl.

Rocca di Papa is, therefore, a place to visit to discover the history, nature, and culture of Castelli Romani.

Martina Moretti
Updated Wednesday, May 18, 2022