Rocca Cigliè

Rocca Sijé: a municipality of 125 inhabitants in the heart of Piedmont

Hello friends! Today I will talk about a small municipality in the heart of Piedmont: Rocca Cigliè, or as it is called in Piedmontese, Ròca Sijé. This village has only 125 inhabitants and is located in the province of Cuneo.

Rocca Cigliè: the heart of Piedmont with only 125 inhabitants.


Demographic evolution

The municipality has always been a small inhabited center and over the years the population has remained almost stable. According to the data from the last census, carried out in 2019, the resident population was 125 inhabitants.


Like all Italian municipalities, Rocca Cigliè is governed by a municipal administration. Below is a table summarizing the various administrations that have succeeded over the years.

Other administrative information

The municipality was part of the Alto Tanaro Cebano Monregalese mountain community, an entity that grouped together several municipalities in the area and was responsible for managing some policies at the local level.

Infrastructure and transport

If you decide to visit Rocca Cigliè, I recommend you take a trip to the old railway station, located about 5 kilometers from the village center. Here, in fact, is the Rocca Cigliè Station, which, unfortunately, was closed following the damage caused by the 1994 flood.

Photo gallery

If you have never visited Rocca Cigliè, I recommend taking a look at our photo gallery. Here you can admire some of the main monuments and places of interest in the village.

<gallery> Image:Rocca_cigliè_municipio_torre_medievale.jpg|Municipal building and medieval tower Image:Rocca_cigliè_chiesa_santa_brigida_e_castello.jpg|Parish church of Santa Brigida and castle Image:Rocca_cigliè_cappella_assunta.jpg|Chapel of the Assumption </gallery>


I hope this brief guide has been helpful and has piqued your interest in visiting Rocca Cigliè. If you have any other questions or curiosities, do not hesitate to contact us or visit our website.

Other projects

If you are passionate about history or geography, I suggest you check out some of our other projects, such as the interactive map of the ancient castles of Piedmont.

External links

Finally, if you want to know more about our municipality, I suggest visiting our official website, where you can find detailed information on the history, culture, and activities of the village.

Greetings from the small and welcoming Rocca Cigliè!

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Thursday, Feb 17, 2022