Treschè Conca

Welcome to Treschè Conca, a charming town in the Altopiano dei Sette Comuni

If you're looking for a picturesque destination to spend your vacation, Treschè Conca could be the perfect spot for you! Located in the Altopiano dei Sette Comuni, in the province of Vicenza, Treschè Conca is a summer and winter holiday resort, ideal for those who want to enjoy mountain nature and tranquility.

Physical geography

Treschè Conca is located in a privileged position between Cogollo del Cengio and Canove (Roana), just 10 km from Asiago. The town is situated at an altitude of 1079 meters above sea level and is surrounded by breathtaking landscapes.

Treschè Conca: nature and history on the Plateau of the Seven Municipalities.


Treschè Conca has a long history dating back to the Middle Ages, when there was a castle named "Conca". In the 14th century, the term "Treschè" began to be used to indicate the location, followed by the High German or Cimbrian language term "Kincel" or "Chinchel".

Over the years, the population of Treschè Conca grew and became an autonomous municipality in 1798, with the constitution of the parish of San Luigi Gonzaga. During the 20th century, the town experienced a strong demographic reduction due to the emigration of many inhabitants to foreign countries.

During World War I, the population of Treschè Conca was forced to leave their homes due to the "Punitive Expedition", the largest offensive against Italy. After the war, many residents returned to Treschè Conca, finding only rubble and devastation.

In 1945, during World War II, the town was the scene of the worst reprisal by German troops against the civilian population of the Altopiano di Asiago.

The massacre of Treschè Conca

On April 27, 1945, German troops carried out a terrible reprisal at the "Fondi" of Treschè Conca against the local population. It was a truly tragic episode that remained in the collective imagination of the inhabitants for a long time.

However, the community of Treschè Conca has always stood out for its resilience and its willpower in rebuilding its territory and identity.

Today, Treschè Conca is a charming tourist destination, with many places to visit and many activities to do. You will find many opportunities to immerse yourself in nature and breathe fresh mountain air. We are sure you won't regret it!

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Friday, Jun 24, 2022