
Welcome to Poggio Bustone: a brief tour of the city

Hello friends, today we will talk about Poggio Bustone, an Italian municipality located in the province of Rieti, in the heart of Lazio. Poggio Bustone is a city of about 1960 inhabitants on the slopes of Mount Rosato, which rises on the northeastern edge of the Piana Reatina. The town is famous for the Sanctuary of Poggio Bustone founded by Francis of Assisi, and for being the birthplace of Lucio Battisti and Attilio Piccioni. Additionally, the city is renowned for its production of porchetta.

Physical Geography

Poggio Bustone is located on the western slopes of the Monte Terminillo, at about 350 meters above the valley floor. The surrounding territory is characterized by breathtaking natural beauty and is known as the "Valle Santa" due to the presence of four Franciscan sanctuaries, one of which is located in Poggio Bustone.

The climate is classified as zone E, 2741 GR/G, meaning it has a temperate hill climate with hot summers and cold winters.

Poggio Bustone: history, art and porchetta in the heart of Lazio.

Origins of the Name

The name Poggio Bustone derives from the Latin "podium" and a medieval personal name "Busto". In the past, the city was known as "Podio Bistonis" from 1299 to 1302.


Poggio Bustone has ancient roots. The first documents attesting to its existence date back to the twelfth century when Berardo Berardi, Lord of the fiefdom, donated the territory to the Abbey of Farfa. Later, the town came under the Norman kingdom's rule and at the end of the twelfth century, it was included in the Reatino territory.

The town and the Sanctuary of Poggio Bustone were completely destroyed by the earthquake of 1298, which caused the death of 150 inhabitants. Saint Francis, with his first six companions, began preaching in the Reatina Valley in 1208, taking residence in Poggio Bustone.

Since 1817, Poggio Bustone became the seat of a governorate that had under its command the municipalities of Labro, Morro Reatino, and Rivodutri, in the Papal States, bordering the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. During World War II, the town was the scene of partisan fighting and was invaded by Nazi-fascist troops, causing death and destruction. For the courage demonstrated by the population, the Municipality was awarded the Silver Medal of Military Valor.

Monuments and Places of Interest

The town of Poggio Bustone is a gem of the Middle Ages characterized by narrow, rustic streets. Its structure recalls, in many respects, that of classic medieval towns. The religious architectures of the city are of particular interest:

Sanctuary of Poggio Bustone

The Sanctuary of Poggio Bustone is one of the most important places of spirituality in Christianity. It was founded by Francis of Assisi around 1208, with the church consecrated in 1228. Every year, numerous pilgrims visit this place of worship to pray in front of the cave where Francis retreated for prayer and meditation.

Church of San Giovanni Battista

The Church of San Giovanni Battista is the main church in the historic center of the town and an example of religious architecture from the Middle Ages. The original construction dates back to the thirteenth century but underwent numerous modifications over time. Inside, you can admire wonderful frescoes from the fourteenth century.

The production of porchetta

Finally, we cannot talk about Poggio Bustone without mentioning its famous porchetta. Porchetta is a traditional dish of Lazio cuisine consisting of pork stuffed with herbs and spices and slowly roasted over an oak wood fire. The porchetta of Poggio Bustone, prepared according to the traditional recipe, has become a renowned specialty throughout Italy.

In conclusion, Poggio Bustone is a city that combines history, art, culture, and gastronomic tradition. It caters to every type of traveler, from the pilgrim searching for spirituality to the family on vacation exploring new places. Come and visit, we promise you won't be disappointed!

Giulia Rizzo
Wrote by Giulia Rizzo
Updated Friday, Apr 29, 2022