
Montechiaro Castle: a fortress in the province of Piacenza

Montechiaro Castle is an ancient fortress located in the town of Montechiaro, in the municipality of Rivergaro, in the province of Piacenza. It lies on the hills of the Ligurian Apennines, overlooking the Trebbia Valley and offering a beautiful panorama.

History: from the Malaspina family to the dispute between the Anguissola and Fulgosio families

According to the Annali Piacentini, the castle dates back to the mid-12th century, when the Malaspina family built it to control the valley. In 1234, the castle was destroyed by the Piacenza commoners, who attacked it due to the presence of nobles fleeing the city. In the following years, the castle was occupied by Uberto Pallavicino, a feudal lord from Cremona, and used as a refuge for Ghibelline nobles.

In 1324, the castle was sold to the Anguissola family, who began a dispute with the Fulgosio family for its ownership. Over the centuries, the castle was garrisoned by various members of the Anguissola family, who also suffered an unsuccessful siege by the Fulgosio in 1374. In 1462, Onofrio Anguissola took refuge in the castle after being defeated in battle near Grazzano Visconti and was captured thanks to the treachery of his brother. After the death of Gian Galeazzo, ownership of the castle was divided among his natural sons and the brothers Filippo Maria and Antonio Anguissola.

Montechiaro Castle: history and panorama of the Trebbia Valley.

The seizure of the castle by Bobbio bandits

In 1635, the castle was temporarily occupied by a band of bandits from Bobbio. However, their occupation lasted only one day, as they were expelled the following day by a militia from Villò, commanded by Count Girolamo Anguissola and Count Pier Maria Zanardi Landi di Veano.

Later, the castle passed into the hands of different families, who used it both as a residence and as a base for agricultural activities. In 1982, thanks to the efforts of the Atti family, the castle was restored and opened to the public. Today, Montechiaro Castle represents an important historical testimony of medieval military architecture and offers visitors a travel experience back in time.

Fabio Marino
Wrote by Fabio Marino
Updated Friday, Feb 3, 2023