
Welcome to Rive!

Hello everyone! Today we will talk about a small town in Piedmont called Rive. This wonderful place is located south of Vercelli and has about 425 inhabitants. The area is primarily characterized by rice paddies, a truly unique and fascinating landscape.

The meaning of the name

The name Rive derives from the Latin "ripae" and refers to a strip of land surrounded by rivers or streams. According to a local source, the name means "end of a bank", indicating the last piece of land before the village of Crescentino called "Monte". In any case, the name is very charming and well represents the beauty of this place.

Rive: History, Natural and Cultural Beauties.

The history of Rive

The first evidence of the existence of Rive dates back to 1268. In that year, the town of Vercelli, controlled by the Guelph party, was at war against the Ghibelline exiles. The leaders of the Vercelli Ghibellines, Giacomo and Bucino Tizzoni, owned two important fortresses: the castle of Rive and that of Balzola.

Subsequently, Rive passed under the dominion of the Visconti thanks to Riccardo Tizzoni, nephew of Giacomo and head of the Vercelli Ghibellines who offered the lordship to Azzone Visconti. Throughout history, Rive suffered significant damage due to various events, including a fire in the 15th century and wars between France, Spain and the Duchy of Savoy.

In 1638, when the Spaniards besieged and took Vercelli, Rive suffered new damage and its population was reduced to extreme poverty. Over the years, the castle of Rive lost its military importance, but remained a reference point for the surrounding territory. In 1802, Countess Paola Tizzoni, daughter of Giuseppe Amedeo and wife of Gerolamo Scarampi, definitively abandoned Rive, settling in the castle of Camino, owned by the Scarampi. The castle of Rive was later purchased by the Beria d'Argentine counts.

The railway and the development of Rive

In the second half of the 19th century, the construction of the railway that connects Vercelli to Casale and Valenza, passing through the territory of Rive, was decisive for the outcome of the Battle of Palestro (second war of independence) and fundamental for the socio-economic development of the town. Thanks to the improvement of the water network and the possibility of immersion, agriculture in Rive has undergone a great transformation, leading to more efficient and productive crops.

Discovering Rive

Rive is a charming and evocative place, ideal for biking or walking. The territory is rich in rice paddies, which offer a breathtaking view especially at sunset. Among the monuments and attractions of Rive there are the Castle, the Parish Church dedicated to San Giovanni and the Museum of peasant civilization. The Museum of peasant civilization is a fascinating place where you can discover the ancient traditions of the area and admire the agricultural tools used in the past.


In conclusion, Rive is a small town that offers many natural and cultural beauties. Its millennia-old history and the areas surrounding the rice paddies make this place unique and fascinating. If you want to visit Piedmont, we recommend stopping by Rive and discovering all its treasures!

Davide Neri
Wrote by Davide Neri
Updated Sunday, Aug 28, 2022