Rivarolo Mantovano

Welcome to Rivarolo Mantovano: a brief introduction

Hello friends, welcome to Rivarolo Mantovano, a municipality in the province of Mantua in Lombardy, Italy. The city has a population of 2389 inhabitants and has an ancient and interesting history. In this text, I will talk to you about the origins of the name of Rivarolo and its history, among other things.

Origins of the name

The name of Rivarolo comes from the Latin word "ripula", which means small riverbank. This term refers to the position of the city, which was located near the course of the Pieve di Santa Maria in Ripa d'Adda. In the Mantuan dialect, the city is called "Riaröl".

Rivarolo Mantovano: history and curiosities of the city on the banks of the Adda river.


The history of Rivarolo Mantovano is characterized by the domination of the Gonzaga family. In 1432, Emperor Sigismund of Luxembourg officially established the rule of the Gonzaga family over Rivarolo's territory, which would continue for over three centuries, leaving a valuable legacy of history, monuments, and traditions.

Rivarolo Mantovano owes its current layout to Vespasiano Gonzaga, who decided and designed its characteristic urban plan. The historic center of Rivarolo is characterized by the orthogonal layout of its streets, which form regular blocks. The perimeter wall, interrupted by three gates, encloses the entire town in a rectangular shape.

In the village, there are numerous monuments and historical buildings of great importance, such as the Pretorio Palace (now the town hall), the Palace of the Count Penci, and the parish church of Santa Maria Assunta, dating back to the 12th century. Another interesting building is the portico that is located in the main square of the city, now called Piazza Finzi.

The Franciscan Sisto Locatelli, a native of the place, established the Monte di Pietà on March 25, 1512, to counter usury practiced by Jews. Initially, the Monte di Pietà was born as a "Monte frumentario," in 1552 it obtained recognition from Vespasiano Gonzaga, and was closed at the end of the eighteenth century.

Curiosities about the city

A local legend tells of a big fish that saved a warrior from battle by carrying him ashore on its back. This legend is reflected in the town's coat of arms and in the name Rivarolo, which is certainly linked to the Latin term "ripa", meaning riverbank.

Another curiosity is that the town was originally located about a kilometer from its current position, in the southwest direction, around the Pieve di Santa Maria in Ripa d'Adda, which is now gone. However, the remains of the old earth mill, located on the banks of the Delmona canal, and a Lombard tombstone, kept in the current parish church and coming from the ancient parish, still exist.


In conclusion, Rivarolo Mantovano is an interesting city rich in history, monuments, and traditions. Its position near a watercourse and the legend of the fish are just some of the characteristics that make this city unique. I hope my text has helped you discover something more about Rivarolo Mantovano and that you want to visit this wonderful city. Thank you for reading!

Camilla Ricci
Wrote by Camilla Ricci
Updated Thursday, Feb 2, 2023