Riva di Solto

Welcome to Riva di Solto!

Welcome to Riva di Solto, a municipality located in Lombardy, on the western shore of Lake Iseo. With its 894 inhabitants, Riva di Solto is a magical place where nature, history, and culture come together to create an unforgettable experience.

Discover the Territory

The territory of Riva di Solto is unique in its kind. From its shores, you can enjoy a panoramic view of the opposite shore of the lake, Monte Isola, and Corna Trentapassi. But the surrounding nature is equally spectacular. A few hundred meters from the town center is the natural amphitheater of Bogn, a wonder of nature with cliffs overlooking the lake that hide small bays and gravel beaches.

The climate of Riva di Solto is mild, thanks to the favorable position of the municipality, which overlooks the western shore of Lake Iseo. Winters are made less harsh by the presence of the lake and summers are hot but breezy. This mild climate has allowed for the development of activities such as olive growing, and the presence of exotic species such as palms and bougainvillea.

Riva di Solto: Nature, history and culture in Lombardy.

The History of Riva di Solto

The history of Riva di Solto takes us back in time to the prehistoric era when there were small settlements in the area. However, the first writings that attest to the existence of the village date back to the Middle Ages, precisely to 1055. In that period of strong political instability, the Oldrati family decided to move to this area and build a fortified system. This was managed by the family until 1222 when they granted it to the jurisdiction of Bergamo.

In the fourteenth century, the Foresti family, very powerful throughout the area, acquired the territories of the village. They have indissolubly linked their name to that of the district, so much so that the coat of arms of the family still bears an eagle with a crown. In 1330, Emperor Louis IV of the Holy Roman Empire established the county of Solto, which also included the territory of the current municipality of Solto Collina, and the title of "Palatine Count" was conferred on a member of the Foresti family, Matteo, also guaranteeing a series of allowances and exemptions to all his descendants.

The Medieval Village of Riva di Solto

The medieval village of Riva di Solto has preserved over time its original structure with small and very characteristic streets. It is possible to admire a castle and numerous towers that are part of the historical heritage of the municipality. In the following centuries, the village acquired importance thanks to the extraction, in the locality of Zu, of the characteristic black-colored marble. With this material, the Basilica of San Marco in Venice and other important buildings were constructed.

In short, Riva di Solto is an unmissable experience for those who love nature, history, and culture. Its breathtaking territory, its mild climate, and its unique cultural heritage make it a pearl set in the frame of Lombardy. Come and visit us and let the beauty of Riva di Solto conquer you!

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Wednesday, Nov 9, 2022