Ripalta Cremasca

Welcome to Ripalta Cremasca

If you are looking for a small town in Lombardy where you can live quietly without the chaos of the city, then Ripalta Cremasca is the right place for you! This scattered municipality with headquarters in the village of Ripalta Nuova has about 3,413 inhabitants and is located in the province of Cremona.

Discover Ripalta Cremasca: the peaceful town in Lombardy.

The community of Ripalta Cremasca

Demographic evolution

The population of Ripalta Cremasca has always been stable, remaining around 3,000 inhabitants over the years.

Ethnic groups and foreign minorities

The community of Ripalta Cremasca also includes foreign citizens who contribute to the cultural diversity of the municipality. As of December 31st, 2020, there were 210 resident foreign citizens. The numerically significant national communities are those of Romania with 39 people, Morocco with 27, Albania with 27, and Ukraine with 23.

Physical geography

Ripalta Cremasca is located in a flat area of the province of Cremona and is crossed by some provincial roads. You can find the state road 591 Cremasca that connects Bergamo to Codogno, the provincial road 43 Crema-Credera, and the provincial road 54 Ripalta Nuova-Capergnanica.

Infrastructure and transportation

As for transportation, Ripalta Cremasca has a good road network that allows easy access to neighboring municipalities and nearby cities such as Cremona and Lodi.


The municipal administration of Ripalta Cremasca is composed of mayors who have succeeded each other from 1985 to the present day. In addition, between 1928 and 1955, the municipality of Ripalta Cremasca was aggregated to the suppressed municipality of Ripalta Guerina.


If you are a nature and park enthusiast, know that Ripalta Cremasca is near the Serio Park and is crossed by some streams such as the Roggia Acqua Rossa, the Roggia Alchina, and the Roggia Comuna.


In conclusion, Ripalta Cremasca is a very quiet and welcoming small town, with a good road network and a small foreign community that makes the environment varied and rich in different cultures. If you want to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city, Ripalta Cremasca is definitely the right place for you!

Erica Ferrari
Wrote by Erica Ferrari
Updated Thursday, Dec 1, 2022