
Mount Cimone: the highest peak in Emilia-Romagna

Hello friends, today I will talk to you about Mount Cimone, the highest peak in the Northern Apennines and in the Emilia-Romagna region, reaching an altitude of 2,165 meters above sea level.


The summit of Cimone has a long history, as traces of human presence dating back to the Roman Empire have been discovered there. During ancient times, the mountain was used for pastoralism and only later were the first climbs made for sporting or scientific purposes, documented as early as 1569 thanks to the expedition of nobleman Guidinello Montecuccoli.

During the seventeenth century, several expeditions were carried out to study atmospheric pressure and composition, even by the Compagnia di Gesù fathers. In 1892, an octagonal tower was built for scientific observation purposes, now in ruins, while in 1908 a chapel dedicated to the Madonna of the Snows was inaugurated.

Mount Cimone: The highest peak in Emilia-Romagna


The shape of Cimone is quite stubby, with a pyramidal form with three sides and a summit called "Cimoncino". The profile of the mountain is a characteristic element of the landscape of the Modenese Apennines and visible from the provinces of Modena, Reggio Emilia, Ferrara, Parma, Bologna, Ravenna, Mantova, Pistoia, Prato, Pisa, Lucca, Florence, Siena, Verona, and Vicenza.

Of all these provinces, the last three require excellent visibility to be observed. In good visibility conditions, one can see the entire Alpine arc, the Adriatic Sea, Mount Amiata, Mount Argentario, the Tyrrhenian Sea, the island of Elba, Corsica, and the island of Capraia on the horizon.

As an important winter ski resort, the mountain is equipped with ski lifts that allow visitors to reach the summit from the inhabited center of Sestola, from Canevare (a hamlet of Fanano), from the locality of Le Polle di Riolunato, or from Montecreto.


The summit of Mount Cimone is located near the border with the Pistoiese Mountains in Tuscany. As it is not located on the crest of the Apennine watershed, the summit and all the slopes of the mountain affecting the municipalities of Fiumalbo, Sestola, Fanano, Riolunato, and Montecreto fall within the territory of the province of Modena.

Considering the spatial resolution of the human eye, the peak of Mount Cimone is the geographic point from which the largest Italian area can be seen. Thanks to the presence of numerous panoramic roads on the slopes of the mountain, the panoramic view that can be admired from its heights is one of the most beautiful in Italy.


In conclusion, Mount Cimone undoubtedly represents a symbol of the province of Modena, a characteristic element of the landscape of the Northern Apennines, and one of the most sought-after destinations for hiking and winter sports enthusiasts. If you pass by this area, you cannot miss the panoramic view that can be admired from the summit, I assure you it's worth it!

Martina Caruso
Updated Friday, Sep 16, 2022