Riolo Terme

The History of Riolo Terme

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk about a historic and fascinating place: Riolo Terme, in Emilia-Romagna. This town, called Riolo dei Bagni until 1957, has about 5,700 inhabitants and is located in the province of Ravenna. Let me tell you a bit about its history.


In the 14th century, the castrum of Laderchio was the main center of the Senio region, with surrounding towers such as Ossano, Voltrignano, Arbustedo, Chiesanuova, and Limisano. In 1376, the inhabitants of these centers requested protection from the city of Bologna, since it was a rival power to both Imola and Faenza. The inhabitants were transferred to a new site, designed by Masino della Colla, building the fortress and houses against the escarpment overlooking the Senio river. The new town was built similarly to Castel Bolognese.

Riolo Terme: history, hot springs, and natural beauty.

From the 16th to the 19th century

In 1424, Filippo Maria Visconti conquered Imola and became the new owner of the Senio valley. Fifteen years later, the Visconti conceded Imola and Riolo to the Manfredi family, who carried out improvement works on the fortress and city walls until Girolamo Riario, lord of Imola, conquered Riolo in 1478. During the rule of Girolamo Riario and his wife Caterina Sforza, Riolo's fortress took on its current form.

In 1506, Riolo became part of the Papal State. The fortress lost its military function and, towards the end of the century, the load-bearing walls showed the danger of collapse. The two corners of the southwestern and northwestern enclosure collapsed between the 17th and 18th centuries, and the municipality asked for help from Imola but the riolesi did the work at their own expense. Thanks to the discovery of thermal baths, the town slowly recovered. In 1811, visitors numbered more than five hundred and were hosted by riolesi citizens who improvised as landlords. In 1820, the first thermal exploitation structure was built in wood.

Riolo Terme's Thermal Baths

Thermal waters

Riolo Terme is now famous primarily for its thermal waters. They are rich in hydrogen sulfide, known for its healing properties for ailments such as rheumatism, respiratory diseases, and dermatitis. The thermal waters revitalize the skin and are very useful for psychophysical well-being.

Facilities and services

The thermal area of Riolo Terme is very well organized. There are several structures that offer services such as thermal baths, therapeutic muds, massages, and much more. Visitors can thus enjoy a regenerating break from everyday stress.

Things to see in Riolo Terme

The fortress

The fortress of Riolo is one of the most fascinating historical places in the town. It was built in the 14th century as an important point of military defense against enemy invasions. Today, it is in good condition and represents a very popular tourist destination.

The historic center

The historic center of Riolo Terme is another place to visit. There is a medieval atmosphere that invites you to take a dive into the past. The stone houses and narrow streets create a romantic atmosphere, and visitors can enjoy a pleasant walk discovering local art and culture.

The Water and Nature Park

The Water and Nature Park is an enchanting place and perfect for an outdoor trip. It is located next to the thermal baths and covers a vast green area with streams, bridges, and waterfalls. It is the ideal place for a family picnic or a relaxing walk.


In summary, Riolo Terme is a town rich in history and natural beauty. The thermal waters, the fortress, the historic center, and the Water and Nature Park offer visitors an unforgettable experience. I recommend visiting Riolo Terme at least once in your life to appreciate its beauty and enjoy the relaxed atmosphere of the place.

Marco Damico
Wrote by Marco Damico
Updated Sunday, Apr 3, 2022