
House Del Drago: an ancient noble family

House Del Drago is a noble family with ancient origins, which can be traced back to Rodolfo de Dragonibus, an imperial vicar of Assisi in 1133. The family moved to Rome in Trevi, where it began to hold important administrative positions, becoming related to other noble houses such as the Crescenzi. In 1519, the family acquired the title of Barons of San Vittorino and in 1554, the fief of Riofreddo.

The ecclesiastical appointment of the Del Drago family

The Del Drago family also became involved in ecclesiastical administration with the appointment of Paolo as apostolic protonotary, followed by several cardinals in the succeeding centuries. In 1622, with Antonio Del Drago, the fief of Riofreddo was erected into a marquisate for him and his descendants.

The Del Drago family: a thousand-year history of nobility.

The important marriages of the Del Drago family

In 1671, the Del Drago family joined forces with the Biscia family through the marriage between Giovanni Battista Del Drago and Ortensia Biscia, the sole heiress of her family and of Cardinal Lelio Biscia, thus changing their name to Del Drago Biscia and acquiring the fief of Mazzano Romano. At the beginning of the 19th century, thanks to the marriage between Urbano Del Drago and Teresa Hofner, heiress of the Roman noble family of the Gentili, the family also assumed the Gentili surname, and in 1832, Urbano was granted the title of prince over his fiefs of Antuni and Mazzano by Pope Gregory XVI.

The branches of the Del Drago family

The Del Drago family branched out into two branches: the Del Drago Biscia Gentili and the Casali Del Drago. The Del Drago Biscia Gentili were so named thanks to the marriage between Urbano Del Drago and Teresa Hofner, while the Casali Del Drago took their name from Faustina Casali, niece and sole heiress of Cardinal Antonio Casali, who married Stanislao Del Drago.

The family tree of the Del Drago family

The family tree of the Del Drago family includes many members, among whom Giovanni Battista Del Drago, Marquis of Riofreddo, and Urbano Del Drago Biscia Gentili, the first to receive the title of prince over his fiefs, stand out. Among the most well-known members of the family are Ferdinando and Alfonso Del Drago Biscia Gentili, both princes of Mazzano and Antuni, and Clemente Del Drago, the current prince of the family.

In summary, House Del Drago is one of the oldest and most illustrious noble families in Italy, which has held important positions in ecclesiastical administration and has acquired numerous fiefs and titles over the centuries. Their descent is still present today and continues to uphold the name of their ancestors.

Martina Moretti
Updated Saturday, Nov 19, 2022