Poggio Perugino

Let's discover Poggio Perugino, a beautiful hamlet of the city of Rieti located at 821 meters above sea level on Mount Porco Morto. This charming area covers an area of 10.63 square kilometers that extends from the Canera river valley to the top of Mount Pizzuto, at 1288 meters high. The name "Poggio" comes from the Latin term "podium", meaning hill, while "Perugino" was added later due to the popular legend that the first founders came from the province of Perugia. The residents of Poggio Perugino are called prucinari.


The territory of the hamlet has an ancient and interesting history that dates back to the medieval era. The Castle, in fact, was dominated for a long time by the Camponeschi family and was bought, in 1240, by the Orsini family. In 1314, instead, it was ceded to the city of Rieti, with which it has shared its fortunes until today. In the 19th century, the Papal States established the district of Rieti, which included the governed of Contigliano from which Monte San Giovanni in Sabina depended, which also included Poggio Perugino. There were long struggles with the inhabitants of Roccantica, for disputes related to the boundaries of mountain land and the rights to pastures.


Poggio Perugino rises on the Sabine Mountains at the borders of the Sites of Community Interest of Monte Tancia and Monte Pizzuto. The area is characterized by the presence of two faults on the sides of the Poggio Perugino hilltop, as can be seen from geological maps.

Poggio Perugino: the charming hamlet of Rieti between history, nature and spirituality.

Monuments and places of interest

The town maintains the style of the original foundation with picturesque houses that create a castle-like effect perched on the hill. Of particular interest is the bell tower of the former parish church of San Biagio that dominates the area. The medieval castle still preserves the gate, the tower, the guardiola, and part of the perimeter walls. From the town, on the avenues of the belvedere, you can admire beautiful views of the valley crossed by the Via Tancia. The sanctuary of the Madonna delle Grazie, on the other hand, deserves a stop to admire the precious statue inside.


The economy of the small village is mainly based on agriculture and livestock.

Human geography

The feast of Mary, mother of Jesus, is celebrated every summer and used to take place on September 8th for solemn religious devotion. Today, instead, it is celebrated on the second Sunday of August and is accompanied by a civil program that attracts crowds of vacationers and inhabitants of neighboring countries thanks to the organized dance evenings. In the past, events took place in this order: The feast of St. Anthony the Abbot on January 17th, the feast of St. Blaise bishop and martyr on February 3rd (patron saint of the Parish until the merger with that of Monte San Giovanni), and the feast of St. John the Baptist on June 29th.

Overall, Poggio Perugino is a wonderful and suggestive place, an enchanting oasis of peace immersed in nature. If you are heading to Rieti, don't forget to visit this preview of paradise.

Giulia Rizzo
Wrote by Giulia Rizzo
Updated Saturday, Mar 5, 2022