Piani Poggio Fidoni

Discovering Piani Poggio Fidoni: A Historic Village in the Province of Rieti

Hello friends! Today I bring you to discover Piani Poggio Fidoni, a hamlet of the Italian municipality of Rieti, located about 5 km west of the capital, on the southwestern edge of the Reatina plain, at the foot of the Poggio Fidoni hamlet.

History of Piani Poggio Fidoni

Piani Poggio Fidoni originated in the early 19th century and, from the land registry of 1822-1824, the first of its kind called "Brogliardo", the existence of the "Chiesuola" can already be traced, reported as the church of Madonna dell'Assunta. In a subsequent topographic map of the Papal State from 1851, that place is indicated as "Madonna delle Grazie," not far from another location called "Osteria," near the junction for Canera.

In 1881, the construction of the railway that would link Rieti with L'Aquila and Terni began. Through the interest of senator Luigi Solidati Tiburzi, the project of the line underwent a variation to connect Contigliano and therefore Piani del Poggio, to Rieti. The railway was inaugurated on October 28, 1883, but the Poggio Fidoni Station was only activated in 1934.

The hamlet experienced demographic growth over the course of the 20th century. In the 1961 census, Piani Poggio Fidoni had about 600 inhabitants gathered in 170 families. The population then stabilized around 1000 units at the beginning of the new millennium.

Poggio Fidoni Plans: history, monuments and sports at the foot of Rieti.

Monuments and Places of Interest in Piani Poggio Fidoni

In Piani Poggio Fidoni, there are two churches, both dedicated to Madonna delle Grazie. The first is the historic church of the hamlet, not open to worship and awaiting restoration. The second is the parish seat and was consecrated on March 18, 1976, by Bishop Dino Trabalzini.

The hamlet is also served by its own cemetery, where an 19th-century chapel is located, a place of silence and prayer that allows visitors to immerse themselves in the history of the village.

Economy of Piani Poggio Fidoni

In the first half of the 20th century, an agricultural school was documented in Piani Poggio Fidoni, where the art of sericulture was taught, an activity practiced in the hamlet since the previous century. This local textile art declined with the opening of the Supertessile in Rieti, an SNIA Viscosa establishment for the production of artificial silk.

Currently, the economy of Piani Poggio Fidoni is based mainly on small and medium-sized businesses, where creativity and love for their land give rise to new opportunities for work and innovation.

Infrastructures and Transports of Piani Poggio Fidoni

The village is crossed by the Terni-Sulmona railway and is served by the Poggio Fidoni station, which connects the hamlet with Rieti and other important Italian cities.

It is crossed by the provincial roads of the Province of Rieti, which is the main connection with the capital of Rieti, which is about 6 km away. To the north of the town, the State Road 79 Ternana flows, but the hamlet is not served by a junction; the nearest one is in Contigliano, about 3 km away.

Piani Poggio Fidoni is also easily reachable by bicycle. The village is crossed by the Conca Reatina cycle path, of which via Larghetto and via dei Prati are part, an ideal place for those who want to enjoy nature and do some sports.

Sports in Piani Poggio Fidoni

SPES Calcio is based in Piani Poggio Fidoni, founded in 1959. Several sports personalities originated from Piani Poggio Fidoni: footballer Gianfranco Leoncini, who was part of Juventus and the National Football team, athlete Massimiliano Donati, and footballer Gianmarco Laurenti. Who knows how many future champions this hamlet will see emerge!

And that's all, friends! I hope I have made you better acquainted with Piani Poggio Fidoni, a hamlet that brings together history, natural beauty, and sports. If you pass through Rieti, don't forget to stop and visit!

Giulia Rizzo
Wrote by Giulia Rizzo
Updated Saturday, Mar 5, 2022