Riese Pio X

Discovering Riese Pio X

If you want to discover a bit of history and geography of the municipality of Riese Pio X, then you're in the right place! This small Italian town has just under eleven thousand inhabitants and is located in the province of Treviso, in the heart of the Veneto region.

Physical Geography

Riese Pio X is halfway between Castelfranco Veneto and Asolo, in a privileged position that allows you to enjoy a beautiful view of the massif of Monte Grappa. The area, which extends over a vast area of the Venetian plain, presents a double morphology: on one side there are reddish, rather arid soils, while on the other side there is a more fertile area with rich water resources thanks to the alluvial deposits of the Musone stream.

Riese Pio X: history, art and gastronomy of Veneto.


Origins and Roman Age

The territory of Riese Pio X has a very ancient history, dating back to the Bronze Age. The discovery of some archaeological artifacts (including tumuli and the remains of a village) attests to the presence of settlements already in that period. However, to have a more significant demographic development, it will be necessary to wait for the Roman Age. Riese was, in fact, included in the municipium of "Acelum" (Asolo) and enjoyed the transit of the Via Aurelia, which connected Padua to Feltre.

Middle Ages

With the fall of the Roman Empire, many rural settlements were transformed into real castles. Riese also underwent a certain evolution in this sense: already in 972 it appears as "castrum Resii" in an act with which Otto I of the Holy Roman Empire donated this and other goods to the bishop of Treviso, Rotzo. During the Middle Ages, Riese passed into the hands of a feudal family known as the da Resio, which had an important role in the politics of the city of Treviso. However, the most important inhabited center was at Cendrole, near the Avenale stream, and here stood the parish of Santa Maria, from whose roots the numerous surrounding churches were founded.

Venetian Period

With the arrival of the Republic of Venice, Riese Pio X experienced a new phase of development and prosperity. The city remained under the control of the Serenissima for almost four hundred years, until its fall in 1797.

What to See in Riese Pio X

If you are a curious tourist, you cannot miss the beauties of Riese Pio X! This municipality offers many enchanting views from both a historical and a landscape point of view.

The parish church of Santa Maria

The parish church of Santa Maria is one of the oldest churches in Riese Pio X and was the matrix of all the other churches in the area. Founded in the Middle Ages, it houses numerous works of art inside, including the beautiful main altar dating back to the Rococo period.

The sanctuary of Cendrole

The sanctuary of Cendrole is a very evocative place of worship located near the Avenale stream. According to tradition, it was already a sacred place in Roman times, dedicated to Diana or Juno. Today, it represents an important center of spirituality and Marian devotion.

Villa Brandolini d'Adda

Villa Brandolini d'Adda is a beautiful historic residence located in the eastern part of the city. This elegant mansion was built in the eighteenth century by Count Giovanni Battista Loredan and then sold to the Brandolini d'Adda family. The current building, which features a neoclassical façade, dates back to the early nineteenth century and houses a precious collection of furnishings and works of art.

Villa Emo Capodilista

Villa Emo Capodilista is another historic residence that deserves to be visited. Located in Vallà, it is a splendid Venetian villa built in the seventeenth century. Today it houses a winery and a restaurant where you can taste typical local products.

What to Eat in Riese Pio X

If you are passionate about gastronomy, Riese Pio X will not disappoint you! This area of Veneto is indeed rich in precious products and authentic flavors.

Riese radicchio

Riese radicchio is one of the most precious typical products of the area. It is a particular variety of red radicchio, with an elongated shape and a unique flavor. This vegetable is cultivated in the surrounding countryside and represents an important resource for the local economy.


If you love wine, you can't miss the delicacies of the Emo Capodilista winery. Here you can taste some of the best wines in the area, produced with high-quality grapes and traditional techniques.


Veneto is a land of excellent cheeses, and Riese Pio X is no exception. Here you can taste the typical malga cheese, produced by the cows grazing on the slopes of Monte Grappa. The taste is intense and delicate at the same time and pairs perfectly with a slice of homemade bread.

In conclusion, Riese Pio X is an ideal destination for those who want to discover the beauty and history of Veneto, but also for those looking for authentic and high-quality gastronomic experiences. All that remains is for you to book your next trip, with the assurance of finding a welcoming city full of surprises!

Matteo Ferrari
Updated Friday, Aug 19, 2022