Riccò del Golfo di Spezia

Welcome to La Spezia!

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about my hometown, La Spezia, which is the capital of the Province of La Spezia in Liguria. It is a municipality with a population of around 92,148 inhabitants, the second largest in the region after Genoa. Situated on the easternmost part of Liguria, La Spezia is located just a few kilometers from the border with Tuscany and overlooks the beautiful Gulf of La Spezia, also known as the Gulf of Poets due to its stunning beauty.

A look at the physical geography

The municipal territory of La Spezia is a very special place: surrounded by mountains and the sea, it means that you can enjoy spectacular panoramic views from every angle. The surrounding hills and mountains, such as Mount Verrugoli, Mount Parodi, Mount Santa Croce, and Mount Viseggi, are stunningly beautiful and offer a panoramic view of the city. In addition, a small portion of the municipal territory, consisting of the small village of Campiglia Tramonti and the surrounding hills, is part of the Cinque Terre National Park.

The Beauty of La Spezia: Territory, Weather, and Atmosphere.

The city's territory

The territory on which La Spezia is situated is a very particular area. In the 1920s, due to the urban expansion caused by the construction of the Military Arsenal, the city had to expand onto the surrounding hills. The orthogonal road network from the 19th century is thus added to the ancient medieval center. Fossamastra, where part of the port area is located, was once a wide marshy area called "gli Stagnoni".

The Gulf of La Spezia, which protects the city, is closed off by an external dam that is about 2,210 meters long with two passages, the western one being about 400 meters wide and the eastern one about 200 meters wide. The particular shape of the gulf has favored the construction of the Navy and the development of one of the largest mercantile ports in the Mediterranean.

The climate of La Spezia

La Spezia enjoys a warm temperate climate influenced by currents from the Atlantic Ocean. The dominant climate is Mediterranean, characterized by mild winters. The city's location near the sea and the mitigating action of the Ligurian climate are perfect for enjoying a summer vacation. Furthermore, the atmosphere of the city is very pleasant thanks to the mild climate and sea breezes.


In conclusion, La Spezia is a city full of charm and beauty, with the beautiful Gulf of Poets, the surrounding mountains and hills, a mild climate, and a welcoming and pleasant atmosphere. I hope this brief summary has given you an idea of how beautiful my hometown is and that it has sparked your desire to visit it as soon as possible!

Andrea Fontana
Updated Wednesday, Jul 13, 2022