
Cenova: an Enchanted Village

Cenova is a charming village located on the left bank of the Giara di Rezzo stream. Today, it is part of the municipality of Rezzo, but until 1928 it was an autonomous municipality. The village is characterized by its medieval architecture, which makes it a fascinating place to visit. In this text, we will discover the physical geography of the country, its history, and its monuments.

Physical Geography

Cenova is located 200 meters above sea level and is situated on the left bank of the Giara di Rezzo stream. The former municipality of Cenova also had abundant vineyards, cultivated fields, and olive groves, but livestock farming was rather limited.

Genoa: history, monuments, and beauties of a medieval village.


Cenova has a very ancient history. It was mentioned in a document dating back to 1264 and was the subject of discussions with Rezzo on the agro-pastoral use of the territory. In 1353, the "Statutes of Cenova" were approved, which regulated municipal offices and magistrates, including the use of pastures and water. In 1455, Cenova was ceded to the Lascaris by the Ventimiglia family and passed under the control of the County of Tenda. Over the centuries, Cenova has followed the events of Rezzo and its valley, which was integrated into the domains of the House of Savoy. In the sixteenth century, important work was carried out on the parish church, which gave the town its current urban configuration. At the beginning of the seventeenth century, a chapel dedicated to Saint John the Evangelist and Saint John the Baptist was built a short distance from the parish church. during the French Regime, the municipality of Cenova was joined with Lavina, then it obtained administrative autonomy at the end of the French Empire's presence in Liguria. In 1887, an earthquake struck Cenova causing various damage to the historic buildings of the country, without causing fatalities. Finally, in 1928, the municipality of Cenova was incorporated by Rezzo together with the neighboring territory of Lavina.

Monuments and Places of Interest

Cenova is a village that has a lot to offer. Among the main places of interest, we find the Church of Our Lady of the Assumption, which was built in the fifteenth century and then restored in 1684-1702 by Gio Batta Marvaldi in the Baroque style. The church was defined as the "cathedral" of the Arroscia Valley for its richness and refinement of decorations. The Oratory of Saints John the Baptist and Evangelist, dating back to 1604, was partially destroyed by the landslide that struck the country in December 2019. Finally, the Chapel of San Sebastiano, built in the sixteenth century, welcomes visitors to Cenova just before the town center.


In summary, Cenova is an enchanted village that is worth visiting. Through its centuries-old history, its monuments, and its geographical location, Cenova presents itself as a place that its visitors will surely love. Come and discover this corner of Liguria, full of beauty and culture!

Alessandro Romano
Updated Tuesday, Jan 11, 2022