
The city of Rezzato

Rezzato is a city located in the foothills east of Brescia, with a population of around 13,000 inhabitants. It is well known for its marble processing thanks to its proximity to the Botticino quarries, earning it the nickname "the town of stonemasons". The territory of Rezzato is made up of three large morphological macro-regions, including the hill system of Regogna, Fieno, and Marguzzo. Here, various rocks with fossil shells and marine animal and plant life forms can be found, including the "horns", the "course", the "medolo", and the younger rocks of San Pietro hill. Furthermore, the territory of Rezzato is crossed by the Naviglio di Brescia and the Rino and Rino Musia streams.

The town of stonemasons

Since the sixteenth century, Rezzato has been known for marble processing. The skilled local stonemasons create marble works of art and architecture, including statues, columns, fountains, and floors. Botticino marble is one of the most commonly used varieties for these works, thanks to its versatility and range of available colors. In Rezzato, the tradition of stonemasonry is still very strong, and many families have dedicated themselves to this craft for generations.

Rezzato: Tradition, Geography, and City Title

City status

On August 3, 2022, Rezzato was awarded city status in Italy. This recognition is a significant milestone for the community of Rezzato, which now enjoys greater administrative rights and powers. The mayor of Rezzato celebrated this event as a success for the whole city, acknowledging the great commitment and pride of the citizens.

Physical geography

Rezzato is located in the foothills east of Brescia. The territory is composed of three large morphological macro-regions, including the flat bend between Mount Maddalena, the Botticino hill, and Mount Regogna. The hill system of Rezzato includes the mounts Regogna, Fieno, and Marguzzo, as well as Peladolo mount and San Martino hill. The rocks present in the Rezzato territory include the horns, the course, the medolo, and the rocks of San Pietro hill. The territory of Rezzato is crossed by the Naviglio di Brescia and the Rino and Rino Musia streams.

In conclusion, Rezzato is a city with a strong artisanal tradition and a varied physical geography. Its city status represents a significant milestone for the local community, which can now enjoy greater rights and powers. The stonemasons of Rezzato continue to produce high-quality marble works of art, using the ancient technique passed down from generation to generation. Anyone who decides to visit this city will appreciate its beauty and history, which intertwine perfectly together.

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Tuesday, Oct 11, 2022