Santo Stefano

Santo Stefano Fraction: a brief introduction

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about the Santo Stefano fraction, located within the municipality of Rende, in the province of Cosenza. Santo Stefano is a very special place, rich in history and traditions, but also in natural scenic beauties. In this summary, I will tell you a little about everything that makes Santo Stefano a truly unique place.


The Santo Stefano fraction was initially a private estate of the Magdalone family, barons of the nearby Arcavacata. The area in the past was mainly occupied by agricultural activities and livestock breeding, and until the 1990s, the large fair of Arcavacata, organized during the last Sunday of August, attracted people from all over Calabria and the neighboring regions.

In the Vennarello district, there are the remains of a church from the year 1000, dedicated to Santa Maria dell'Emoli. In the 1970s, archaeological studies were started in this area, but unfortunately, they were interrupted in the 1990s.

Saint Stephen: history, geography, and architecture of the splendid Calabrian village.

Physical geography

Santo Stefano is located on a hill, along the SS 107 Silana Crotonese road, towards San Fili-Paola. The fraction has been transformed into a residential area in the last 40 years. Now, the area is divided into small neighborhoods and condominiums.

Political geography

The Santo Stefano fraction is formed by various neighborhoods and districts, such as Macchialonga, Cutura, Monticello, San Biase, Frattini, Vennarello, Cucchiaio, and Mutilli. Each neighborhood has its own specificity and charm.


In the past, the area was characterized by the presence of farmers and breeders who were engaged in the production of figs, olives, mulberries, watermelons, and dairy products. Between the 1950s and the 1980s, Santo Stefano was highly appreciated for wine and food tourism thanks to the presence of numerous catering services that offered local products.

Today, in the Cutura district, there are still some small local companies of various kinds.

Noteworthy Buildings

Religious Architecture

Among the most important religious buildings present in Santo Stefano, we find the Church of Merciful Jesus, born in 2000 by the Dehonians. The church is presented in a modern and welcoming style, with a large liturgical hall decorated with a powerful stained glass window. In addition, the Church houses the statue of Our Lady of Consolation.

Another noteworthy religious building is the Chapel of Santa Maria della Consolazione. It is a private chapel of the Magdalone family that for many years was the main place of worship in the area. Today, the church is only opened on the occasion of the patronal festival, the last Sunday of August, when the procession statue returns for one day to its original location.

Historic Palaces

Another building of notable interest is the Rende Station, which until 1987 represented a point of arrival for all those who stopped during trips in the direction of Paola on this route.


Here is a brief overview of the Santo Stefano fraction: a place to discover, full of history and traditions, but also of natural beauties. If you are around the province of Cosenza, I recommend you to make a stop in Santo Stefano: you won't regret it!

Paola Santoro
Wrote by Paola Santoro
Updated Thursday, Oct 20, 2022