
Welcome to Arcavacata, a charming village in the heart of Calabria!

We present to you Arcavacata, a village in the municipality of Rende, a beautiful location in the province of Cosenza. The city of Arcavacata has a population of about 1831 people (as of 2009) and is located in the north-western area of the municipality of Rende. The hilly terrain extends between 240 and 370 meters above sea level and has a unique structure that houses the University of Calabria.

Discover the physical and political geography of Arcavacata

Arcavacata is divided into several districts, including Rocchi, Dattoli, Longeni, Bianchi, Vermicelli, Bertoni, Tufo, Coda di Volpe, Bagno, Ghianduzzi, Molicelle, and San Gennaro. In this beautiful city, you can enjoy the hills that form its most characteristic part. The undulating and hilly terrain represents the major point of interest in the city, among historic buildings and private villas.

Explore Arcavacata: history, legends and places of interest in beautiful Calabria.

The legend of Arcavacata

The unusual toponym of Arcavacata has given rise to various interpretations and legends over the years. According to one of the local legends, a blind and a lame person, on a cold winter night of rain and strong wind, were crawling through the streets in search of shelter. Suddenly, a light illuminated the two sick people and a voice invited them to dig. Listening to the voice, the light began to follow them. Digging, the two men reached an arch, under which they found an image of Mary with the child. The light became intense again, illuminated everything, and the blind man began to see, and the lame man began to walk. The voice told them that they had been healed and that a church would be erected in that place. From that moment on, the painting depicting Mary was placed in the place where it was found, under the altar of the Church of Santa Maria della Consolazione, which currently represents the main place of worship in the city.

The origin of the name of Arcavacata

According to religious tradition, the name of Arcavacata would derive from the existence of an ancient fortress-watchtower that the population of the time called "Arx-Arcis", or Rocca. Some studies hypothesize, instead, that the denomination has a Latin etymology that dates back to the period of the ancient Enotri, a population present in the area of Rende and Calabria in general. The city would have represented a military fortress for the Enotri, located near the waters of the Emoli river that flows at the foot of the hills of Arcavacata.

Explore the points of interest in Arcavacata

If you visit Arcavacata, you cannot miss the Church of Santa Maria della Consolazione, the main religious and tourist attraction of the city. Built thanks to the donation of the Magdalone-Morelli family in the second half of the 19th century, this wonderful neoclassical-style church houses the image of Mary with the child, saved by the legend of the blind and the lame.


In conclusion, Arcavacata represents a welcoming and charming city, with a millennial history and a unique territory of green hills. Come and discover this pearl of Calabria and its wonders still unknown to you!

Paola Santoro
Wrote by Paola Santoro
Updated Thursday, Oct 20, 2022