
Rende, a dynamic and cultural city

Rende is an Italian municipality located in the province of Cosenza, in Calabria. The city is made up of two parts: the historic center, which stands on a slope about 474 meters above sea level, and the modern area, located in the high Crati valley, where the municipal seat is at 184 meters above sea level.

With a population of over 36,000 inhabitants, Rende is one of the reference points in Calabria from an economic, industrial, and cultural point of view. The presence of the University of Calabria, located in the Arcavacata campus, promotes the city's growth thanks to educational and research opportunities.

Physical geography

It makes: a dynamic and cultural city in Calabria.


The territory of Rende extends from the east bank of the Crati river to the eastern foothills of the Italian coastal range, with the hamlets of Malvitani at 330 meters above sea level and Nogiano at 525 meters above sea level. The altitude profile ranges from 129 to 1137 meters above sea level and has mountainous areas to the west that slope eastward forming hills, where the historic center stands. The modern city extends in the Crati valley where there are large flat areas.


In winter, Rende's climate is cold and dry in the hills, while in the valley it is cold and humid. During the summer, the heat is mild in the hills, while in the valley there is a feeling of mugginess.


The origins of Rende

The ancient Enotri who came from the plain of Sant'Eufemia and Clampetia (Amantea) gave birth to the primitive "Acheruntia" near the Acheron river. Later, they founded "Pandosia Bruzia". At that time, the area was not suitable for defense, and some Acheruntini left the place to take refuge in a safer place, the current hamlet of Nogiano.

The new settlement, dating back to 520 BC and called "Aruntia" (in Greek), was later called "Arintha" and was the "City of Bretia" of Enotrian origin, according to legend.

Arintha in the Roman world

The fate of the city followed that of nearby Cosenza. During the Punic Wars, Arintha was called to arms together with the Pandosiani, Besidiesi, Cosentini and other peoples to block the passage of Hannibal.

Italian city

In 2016, Rende was awarded the title of Italian City in the Calabria region, following the Decree of the President of the Republic of March 11, 2016.

Economy and culture

Rende is a dynamic city from an economic and industrial point of view thanks to its proximity to Cosenza and the presence of infrastructural connections such as highways and railways. However, the real driving force of the city is the University of Calabria, where young talents are trained in the field of research, innovation and art.

Rende is also a city rich in cultural events and exhibitions, from art exhibitions to concerts, from theatrical performances to open-air cinema. The city is full of life, and the atmosphere is jovial and welcoming.


Rende is a city with many facets. From a geographical point of view, its varied territory offers different and suggestive views while, from a historical point of view, the city is linked to ancient Enotrian traditions and its evolution over time. From an economic point of view, Rende represents an important industrial and cultural hub, thanks especially to the presence of the University of Calabria. Finally, Rende is a lively and welcoming city that offers visitors numerous leisure and cultural opportunities.

Paola Santoro
Wrote by Paola Santoro
Updated Thursday, Oct 20, 2022