
Welcome to Remedello, between history and nature

Welcome to the small town of Remedello, located in the province of Brescia, Lombardy. With its 3352 inhabitants, Remedello is divided into two geographical fractions: Remedello Sopra and Remedello Sotto. Both were once autonomous municipalities, until 1927, when they merged to form the current structure.

Discover the physical geography of Remedello

Remedello is a flat area geologically belonging to the Po Valley, formed by the alluvial deposits of the Chiese River, which runs to the east of the two fractions of the city. To the south, the territory is traversed by the Asolana Seriola, which originates in Isorella and flows into the Chiese in Asola. The city is located in a low seismicity area, classified as zone 4.

Remedello: History and Nature in Lombardy.

The history of Remedello

Settlements in the area date back to the Copper Age, as evidenced by the artifacts found near the Dovarese area, where a necropolis dating back to the 4th and 3rd millennium BC has been discovered. The culture to which it belongs has been called the "Remedello Culture."

In the same area, artifacts from the Bell Beaker period, dating back to 2000-1800 BC, have been found. In addition to this, in Remedello Sopra, hoards of bronze axes dating back to the Bronze Age (1800-1500 BC) have been found.

Near the border with Asola, artifacts from the Middle Bronze Age (1500-1300 BC) have been found. Documentation is lacking for the Late Bronze Age (13th century BC) and the Final Bronze Age (12th-11th century BC), although there are records in nearby municipalities.

Traces of Gallic and Roman settlements have been found, one of which, in the San Giovanni area, was destroyed in the 3rd century due to a fire. Starting from the 5th and 6th centuries, artifacts of the Lombards have been found, and in the Carolingian era (8th-11th century), the lands of Remedello were owned by the Abbey of Leno and Acquanegra sul Chiese.

In 1194, the abbot of Leno brought the Diocese of Brescia to court to recover property and rights over much of the Bassa bresciana, including the territory of Remedello. Starting from 1218, Remedello appears several times in the "Liber Potheris" of the municipality of Brescia and, with a castle, was an important strategic point for controlling the borders with Mantua.

Discover the natural beauty of Remedello

Despite its rich and eventful history, Remedello also offers lush nature. In fact, its surroundings are rich in greenery and rivers, such as the Asolana Seriola, whose course is particularly striking.

The flat terrain also offers the opportunity for long walks, perhaps by bicycle, along the cycle paths of Remedello. The routes are not difficult and allow you to admire breathtaking landscapes, such as flower-filled fields and the charming surrounding countryside.


Remedello is a town that combines the beauty of nature with the richness of its history. Its flat areas and surrounding rivers offer visitors the opportunity to admire nature with relaxing walks, while ancient artifacts confirm that its history dates back to at least the Copper Age.

If you are looking for a small oasis of peace in the Lombardy region, Remedello is undoubtedly an excellent choice. We invite you to visit this splendid city, where history and the beauty of nature meet to offer you an unforgettable experience.

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Saturday, Oct 29, 2022