
The History of Kore University of Enna

Hello friends! Today I want to tell you about the history of Kore University of Enna, a university located in Enna, Sicily. The institution has been active since 2005/2006 and is named after the mythological figure of Persephone.

The "Enna University Consortium"

The University of Enna has an interesting history. It was born from an original nucleus of the Enna University Consortium (CEU), a public law entity founded in 1995 and chaired until 2003 by Cataldo Salerno. The Consortium was initially made up of the Province of Enna, the City of Enna, and the Chamber of Commerce, to which the municipalities of Agira, Assoro, Barrafranca, Centuripe, Leonforte, Nicosia, Piazza Armerina, Regalbuto, and Valguarnera Caropepe, all towns in the province of Enna, were subsequently added.

The CEU established a decentralised university centre in Enna with degree courses from both the University of Palermo and the University of Catania. The university centre in Enna soon became significant; this led to the request to establish a new university from the Ministry.

Kore University of Enna: from Foundation to Autonomy.

The Kore Foundation

Thanks to the impulse of the Sicilian Region, in 2001, the "Libera Università Kore di Enna" was born, which identified the city as the seat of the fourth university centre in Sicily (Regional Law 3 May 2001, No. 6). In July 2004, the project of the Kore Foundation received the favourable opinion of the national committee for the evaluation of the university system (CNVSU), and with the ministerial decree of 15 September 2004, the institution was established.

The autonomy process

The Libera Università Kore di Enna began its autonomous activities in the academic year 2005/2006. The statute, approved by the Minister with the DM founding, assigns legal representation to President Cataldo Salerno, the project ideator, and academic coordination to the Rector, both indicated by the Kore Foundation.

The University Campus

The institution has its main headquarters in the "University Citadel", a complex of buildings owned by the Province where degree courses and scientific laboratories are located. The Citadel was entrusted to the CEU in 1998. Over the years, Kore University of Enna has expanded its spaces within the Citadel, creating new offices and classrooms for degree courses.

Degree Courses

Kore University of Enna offers several three-year and master's degree programmes in various areas, including Political Science, Literature, Philosophy, Law, Engineering, and Medicine. In particular, the Environmental and Territorial Engineering degree programme is highly appreciated.

An interesting aspect of Kore University of Enna is its focus on innovation and sustainability. The degree courses are designed to train professionals capable of facing future challenges, such as environmental issues and new technologies.

University Life

At Kore University of Enna, university life is very dynamic and varied. Students have access to equipped laboratories and a well-stocked library. Additionally, the university offers numerous extracurricular activities, such as language courses, cultural exchanges, conferences, and seminars.

One of the most anticipated events of the academic year is the "Researchers' Night", an event that involves students and professors of the university in a series of activities and laboratories where the latest scientific discoveries are presented.


Kore University of Enna is a young and dynamic institution that stands out for its attention to innovation and sustainability. Thanks to its range of degree courses and lively university life, it is an excellent choice for students who want to train in a stimulating and welcoming atmosphere. If you are curious to learn more, I recommend you visit the university's website and participate in the next initiatives!

Ludovica Neri
Wrote by Ludovica Neri
Updated Monday, Oct 10, 2022