Reana del Rojale

Welcome to Reana del Rojale: A Look at the Physical Geography

Hello everyone! Welcome to Reana del Rojale, a charming municipality in Friuli-Venezia Giulia, located at the foothills of the Carnic and Julian Prealps. The Torre River borders the municipality to the east, and there are eight inhabited nuclei: Reana, Qualso, Zompitta, Cortale, Vergnacco, Valle, Remugnano (where the municipal seat is located), and Ribis.

Did you know that upstream of Zompitta is the origin of the aqueduct that supplies the city of Udine? And that not far away, on the Torre River, there are the intake works of the Udine and Palma canals that run through the Friulian plain passing through Udine? In addition, the Pontebbana railway crosses the municipal territory of Reana del Rojale.

The History of Reana del Rojale

Our territory is mentioned in the 13th century with the name "Verniacum," corresponding to the current fraction of Vergnacco. The church of Saints Thomas and Marco, located in that fraction, is attested as existing in a document from 1360. During World War II, the Municipality was involved in the activities of the Friulian Italian Resistance with the participation of the Garibaldi and Osoppo Brigades.

Reana del Rojale: geography, history, and monuments.

Monuments and Places of Interest

Reana del Rojale has many places of interest for all tastes. There are numerous churches, such as the church of Saints Felice and Fortunato in Reana, the church of Santa Maria Assunta in Qualso, the church of the Blessed Virgin of Carmine in Ribis, and many others. Also, the church of Saint Joseph and Saint Louis, designed by the architect Provino Valle, located in Qualso, is an architectural work to visit.


The Municipality of Reana del Rojale has 4,754 inhabitants and has undergone an interesting demographic evolution in recent years. Here, both Italian and Friulian dialect are spoken. Pursuant to Resolution No. 2680 of August 3, 2001, of the Friuli-Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region Cabinet, the Municipality is included in the list of Friulian-speaking Italian Municipalities for the purposes of the application of Law 482/99, Regional Law 15/96, and Regional Law 29/2007. The Friulian language spoken in Reana del Rojale is the center-eastern one.

Reana del Rojale's Toponymy

The names of the fractions of Reana del Rojale are interesting because they present some curiosities. For example, "Reana" derives from the Friulian word "ròje" which means "canal." The name "Reana del Rojale" is a tautology because "rojale" also means "canal." Therefore, it would be like saying "Reana of Reana" or "Canal of the Canal." We also know of pure fantasy regarding the legend that the name of Reana del Rojale derives from the Gothic "Re Ana." There are many interesting stories to discover about these places.

Thank you for visiting Reana del Rojale! We hope to see you again soon!

Andrea Giordano
Updated Tuesday, May 24, 2022