
Raveo: an Authentic Village in Friuli-Venezia Giulia

If you are looking for an authentic place where you can enjoy the beauty of nature and history, Raveo is definitely a great choice. This small municipality in Friuli-Venezia Giulia, with its 442 inhabitants, has been awarded the title of "authentic village of Italy". Here is everything you need to know about its history, geography, and origins.

Physical Geography

Raveo is located at the foot of Mount Sorantri, at an altitude of 896 meters, in the alpine region of Carnia. The settlement develops in a splendid green valley, crossed by the eponymous stream. The only hamlet of the municipality is the picturesque village of Esemon di Sopra, located at an altitude of 386 meters. The beauty of the surrounding nature and the preservation of local traditions are two of the reasons why Raveo was chosen as an authentic village.

Raveo: discovering an authentic Friulian village.

Origins of the Name

The word "Raveo" seems to derive from the pre-Latin word "rava", which means landslide or avalanche. However, there are also other theories about the origin of the name. Some believe that it is related to the Latin term "rapum", which means turnip. In any case, it is still unclear what exactly is the reason for the connection between the name of the village and these terms.


The history of Raveo dates back to pre-Roman Italy. Recent archaeological excavations on Mount Sorantri have uncovered the remains of a Celtic village. In Roman times, Raveo was part of the "Regio X Venetia et Histria" and there was a defended mountain settlement. In 1234, the village was already subject to the Pieve of Enemonzo.

In the 14th and 15th centuries, Friuli was hit by the plague, and Raveo was among the most affected towns. Only seven people survived, who became the owners of the seven local barns with adjacent meadow. In 1420, with the fall of the Patriarchate of Aquileia, Raveo passed under the control of the Republic of Venice. In 1797, with the Treaty of Campoformido, the entire Friuli-Veneto was ceded to the Habsburg Empire.

After returning to Italy in 1866, Raveo suffered the effects of the First and Second World Wars. In 1917, it was overwhelmed by the Battle of Caporetto, and many inhabitants were forced to flee. During the Cossack occupation of the Second World War, Raveo was home to an important garrison, which was defeated by partisans in November 1944. In 1976, the town suffered from the earthquake in Friuli, but managed to rebuild in the following years.

Today, Raveo is a peaceful place, with an authentic and hospitable atmosphere. The surrounding landscape offers many opportunities for hiking and outdoor activities, while the historical and cultural heritage of the town bears witness to its ancient history and tradition.

If you have the opportunity to visit Raveo, do not miss the chance to discover this authentic village in Friuli-Venezia Giulia.

Andrea Giordano
Updated Wednesday, Jan 4, 2023