
A brief introduction to Ravarino

Hello everyone! Today I'm going to talk to you about Ravarino, an Italian municipality of 6,241 inhabitants located in the province of Modena, in Emilia-Romagna. The city is part of the Union of Sorbara municipalities and is characterized by a long history dating back to Roman times. In this article, I'll talk to you about Ravarino's past, its traditions and celebrations, as well as provide you with some information on demographic statistics.

Ravarino's History

Ravarino has very ancient origins, as evidenced by archaeological findings that testify to human presence as far back as prehistoric times. However, the city also played an important role in Roman times, as evidenced by various discoveries within the city.

The first written document mentioning Ravarino dates back to 1002, but by the 13th century, the city was already constituted as a municipality together with Castel Crescente. In 1310, during a period of conflict between Modena and Bologna, Ravarino was subjected to the municipality of Bologna, but in 1316, its jurisdiction ceased.

In 1333, the territory of Ravarino was declared a noble fief under the name of the County of Borgo Franco and Castel Crescente, and was conferred upon the court physician of the Bohemian king, Giovanni I, Pietro Della Rocca.

The Rangoni family of Modena acquired property in the territory of Ravarino starting in 1321, and in 1453, Niccolò Maria Rangoni obtained investiture as count of Ravarino and Castel Crescente from the Duke Borso d'Este. The Rangoni family ruled over the county as an almost autonomous state in the Duchy of Modena and Reggio until 1796, when the fiefs were abolished.

Throughout its history, Ravarino also suffered destruction at the hands of the troops of Cardinal Antonio Barberini during the War of Castro in 1643. During the First French Empire, the municipality of Ravarino was suppressed and reduced to a section. It only regained autonomy after the Unification of Italy in the autumn of 1859.

Finally, Ravarino was involved in the earthquakes of 2012, which caused various damages and injuries, especially to older housing, churches, and agricultural structures.

Discover the history and traditions of Ravarino.

Symbols of Ravarino

The municipal coat of arms of Ravarino was granted with a royal decree on November 9, 1933.

Society and Demographics

The population of Ravarino has remained fairly stable in recent years, standing at around 6,000 inhabitants. However, there has been a slight decrease in the past few decades.

Culture of Ravarino

Ravarino is a city rich in traditions and festivities. In June, for example, several shows and events take place. The festival of St. Anthony of Padua in Ravarino, the festival of St. John the Baptist in Rami, the Calendimaggio (a medieval-themed festival), and the festival of the sanctuary of the Blessed Virgin of Grace in Stuffione are all highly anticipated events by the local population.

In conclusion, Ravarino is an Italian town with ancient origins and rich cultural traditions and events. Thanks to its unique historical and cultural heritage, Ravarino is an ideal destination for those who want to discover authentic Italian life.

Martina Caruso
Updated Friday, Apr 29, 2022