
The province of Imperia: a territory that unites Italy and France

The province of Imperia is located in western and southern Liguria and borders Piedmont, the province of Savona, France, and the Ligurian Sea. The capital city is Imperia, but the most populous city is Sanremo. The province is divided into three areas: Imperiese, Sanremese, and Ventimigliese.

A brief historical overview

The territory of the province of Imperia was historically part of the province of Nice. In 1860, most of the province was ceded to France, while the remaining part of the Kingdom of Sardinia (1720-1861) constituted the province of Porto Maurizio. In 1923, with the merger of Porto Maurizio into the city of Imperia, the province assumed its current name. During World War II, a piece of territory in the province was occupied by French troops, but President Truman's order imposed a withdrawal.

Discover the province of Imperia: art, history, and nature in Italy and France.

The symbols of the province of Imperia

The official coat of arms of the province of Imperia, approved in 1927, depicts three five-pointed stars in the center of a golden shield. The province of Imperia has been decorated with the Military Valor and awarded the Gold Medal for the sacrifices of the people and their activity in the partisan struggle during World War II.

Society, Ethnicity, and Foreign Minorities in the Province of Imperia

As of 2014 Istat data, 23,104 foreign citizens lived in the province of Imperia, accounting for 10.66% of the provincial population at the time. The municipality with the largest number of foreign residents is Sanremo, while the only municipality in the province without foreign residents is Montegrosso Pian Latte.

The primary religion in the province of Imperia is Catholicism, with the province divided between the dioceses of Albenga-Imperia and the Diocese of Ventimiglia-San Remo.

Visiting the Province of Imperia

Among the major cities of art in the province are Ventimiglia, Imperia, and Sanremo.

Ventimiglia boasts a vast Roman archaeological area, the picturesque Balzi Rossi, a medieval town, and the charming Hanbury botanical gardens.

The main attraction of Imperia is undoubtedly the Basilica of San Maurizio, which is also the largest church in Liguria.

Finally, Sanremo is famous for its Liberty-style Casino and the Russian Church.

The province of Imperia is a place of great historical, artistic, and naturalistic interest, and is well suited for excursions and guided tours.

Alessandro Romano
Updated Monday, Feb 14, 2022