
Welcome to Raiano!

Hello everyone! Today we will talk about Raiano, a charming Abruzzo municipality. With its 2603 inhabitants, Raiano is located in the western part of Valle Peligna and is a place you shouldn't miss if you're in the area.

The origins of the name

But where does the name Raiano come from? Well, it seems to have been given in honor of a person named Raius or Ravius. We're not sure, but we like to imagine it was like that!

Raiano: history, art and Abruzzo flavors.

The history of Raiano

Raiano has a very rich and interesting history. Pliny the Elder, in his ''Naturalis historia'', told us about the famous tripartite division of the Pelignian people and their territories: «''Paelignorum Corfinienses, Superequani et Sulmonenses''». The town, located in the area of the Corfinienses, today is only 10 km from the remains of the ancient Italic city of Corfinium.

After briefly hosting the emperors Otto I of Saxony and Otto III, Raiano followed throughout the Middle Ages the feudal events of the surrounding territory and the southern kingdom. But its strategic position and north-western garrison of Valle Peligna along the route of the old Tratturo Celano-Foggia and the ancient Via Tiburtina Valeria made it an important center.

The old town was abandoned in the second half of the 15th century after one of the many earthquakes that hit the area. Its inhabitants moved downstream and the first settlements of Raiano Vecchio arose, now known as the Sant'Antonio district.

Over the centuries, Raiano expanded following the directions of the Via Tiburtina and the ancient Tratturo until it became the municipality we know today. The two convents of the Order of Franciscans were built, the first of the Observant Minor Fathers known as Zoccolanti, and the second of the Capuchin Friars Minor.

What to see in Raiano

But what can we visit in Raiano? Well, there's a lot to see! One of the most interesting places is the Sant'Antonio district, where noble palaces like Palazzo Sagaria Rossi are located. Here, you have the chance to feel the atmosphere of the past and imagine what the life of the nobles who lived in this beautiful place was like.

You can also visit the two Franciscan convents or the Clock Tower, located in the center of the village and giving its inhabitants the perception of time.

The church of Santa Maria Maggiore, built in the 15th century, is another important place of interest. Every year in September, a big fair dedicated to the Madonna del Suffragio is held. During this event, the statue of the Madonna is carried in procession through the streets of the village.

The village today

Today, Raiano is part of the union of municipalities called Terre dei Peligni and its inhabitants are particularly active in maintaining the traditions and culture of the area. There are indeed many events that take place during the year, such as the Immaculate Feast, San Rocco Feast and San Michele Arcangelo Feast.

Furthermore, Raiano's cuisine is very tasty and delicious. You can taste typical dishes like rustic pizza, pizzella, snails alla "radianese" and many other delicacies.


In summary, Raiano is a magical and fascinating place that we recommend you visit. Its rich and interesting history, the beauty of its historical buildings, and the goodness of its cuisine make it an unmissable place in Valle Peligna.

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Monday, Mar 7, 2022