
Raffadali: a medieval city in Sicily

If you're looking for a picturesque small town in Sicily, Raffadali might be the right choice for you. Located in the inland of Agrigento province, this medieval municipality was a feud of the famous Montaperto family and has a history dating back to the Arab era. Today, it has a population of just over 12,000 inhabitants and a strong agricultural tradition, being the place of origin of the famous Raffadali pistachio.

The physical geography of Raffadali

Raffadali is situated on a hilly position between the Platani and Imera Meridionale rivers, at an altitude of 425 meters above sea level. The southern area borders with the municipalities of Agrigento and Joppolo Giancaxio, while the northern territory reaches up to the 652 meters above sea level of Modaccamo. The village is located on a limestone hill relief, covered with marls in some areas, and is placed above a tortoriano clayey substrate. The area is classified as zone 2 (medium-high seismicity).

Raffadali: history, geography and economy of a medieval city in Sicily.

Orography and hydrography of Raffadali

The municipal territory is characterized by tortorian clayey outcrops and calcareous, gypsum, and trubi lapideous outcrops. Raffadali is part of three different hydrographic basins: the San Leone river basin (58%), the Canne river basin (41.97%), and the Platani river basin (0.03%). 70% of the area is made up of impermeable soils, while the remaining 30% is permeable. There are also some aquifers and small springs scattered throughout the neighborhoods.

The flora of Raffadali

The vegetation of the Raffadali territory is typical of the Mediterranean flora, and agricultural activities predominate, especially cultivations of Olea europaea, Prunus dulcis, and of course, the famous Raffadali pistachio. The wooded areas are appreciated for their beauty and environmental importance.

The history of Raffadali

Raffadali dates back to the Arab era and was an Arab hamlet. After the Norman conquest of Sicily, it became a feud of the famous Montaperto family. After a period of abandonment, the village was rebuilt starting from 1523, and in the XIX century, it became the capital of the district of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. Later, when it became part of the Kingdom of Italy, Raffadali was the capital of the district until 1923. The village experienced remarkable economic development, especially from the second half of the twentieth century.

The economy of Raffadali

In the past, Raffadali was a traditional agricultural city. However, in recent years, the city has changed considerably and now plays an important role in the tertiary sector with the presence of numerous medium and small artisanal businesses. The city is definitely an excellent option for those who want to avoid the crowds of tourists and enjoy a quiet vacation in an authentic and relaxed environment.

Marco Rossi
Wrote by Marco Rossi
Updated Monday, Aug 15, 2022