
Welcome to Raddusa!

Hello everyone! Today I will talk to you about Raddusa, an Italian municipality with a population of 2787 inhabitants, located in the metropolitan city of Catania, in Sicily. If you are looking for a quiet and relaxing place, Raddusa is the place for you.

The town

Raddusa is located 38 km from Caltagirone, 40 km from Enna and 71 km from Catania, on the border with the province of Enna. The city is located at 350 meters above sea level, on the hills bordering the plain of Catania and the Monti Erei. The main economic activity of the place is agriculture, particularly the cultivation of durum wheat. Please note that as of 2022, the city is part of the "First world park of the Mediterranean lifestyle" project along with 103 other cities in central Sicily.

Raddusa: between traditions and relaxation in a Sicilian town.

Patronal feast

In Raddusa, San Giuseppe is celebrated twice a year. On March 19th and September 19th, chosen as the patronal feast. September 19th is traditionally celebrated as a thanksgiving to the Saint for the Wheat harvested in the previous season. During the day, two masses are celebrated in the Immaculate Conception Church: one in the morning and one in the evening after the procession. It is customary to walk along Via Regina Margherita, full of stalls and with all the shutters of the shops and bars open. In the late evening, there is usually also a musical show on the stage set up in Piazza Umberto I, the town center located between the Mother Church and Regina Margherita street.

On March 19th, it is instead traditional to make "votive altars". Some inhabitants prepare these large altars covered with food, traditionally distributed to the poorest of the village, for a grace received or as a commitment for the Saint to solve a problem. It has become customary to invite as many people as possible to eat that food after the blessing of the local priest, giving rise to real parties where to exchange some conversation and comment on the deliciousness of the food. Among the traditional dishes, there is "pasta di San Giuseppe", a soup based on legumes with homemade pasta. The preparation of this dish takes place in a large pot called "cuadara" and distributed with ladles in the dishes or pots that the guests have brought from their own homes.


Demographic evolution


Below is a table relating to the administrations that have succeeded in this municipality.


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Other projects

If you decide to visit Raddusa, do not hesitate to participate in the festivities of San Giuseppe and to taste the delicious pasta di San Giuseppe. I hope this article has aroused your interest in this enchanting Sicilian town. Thank you for reading and see you soon!

Sofia Greco
Wrote by Sofia Greco
Updated Wednesday, Sep 14, 2022