
Welcome to Racalmuto

Racalmuto is a town in Sicily with just under 8,000 inhabitants. Its geographical location, climate, and history make it a fascinating place rich in culture. In this text, we will take you on a journey to discover this town, from its medieval origins to its present-day.

Physical geography

Racalmuto is situated in the central part of Sicily, in the province of Agrigento. The town is located in a fertile valley irrigated by spring waters. The area enjoys a mild climate throughout the year, thanks to its proximity to the sea.

Racalmuto: History and Beauty of the Sicilian City


The climate of Racalmuto is Mediterranean, characterized by hot and dry summers and mild and humid winters. Rainfall is concentrated especially in the winter months.

Origin of the name

The origin of the name Racalmuto is linked to the arrival of the Arabs in the area. According to some sources, the name may derive from "Rahal Maut," meaning "dead village," due to the plague that had decimated the population. This theory seems to be the most credible.


Medieval age

The settlement of Racalmuto dates back to the Arab era when small groups of settlers established themselves in the area to cultivate the fertile land of the valley. Racalmuto extended to what is now the upper part of the city, where the castle is located. It is on this castle that the first testimonies of the town focus. The geographer al-Idrisi mentions it as a defensive fortress.

Over the centuries, the town's dominion passed from the hands of the Arabs to those of the Normans and then to the Barresi family. The latter built a fortress, the Castelluccio, to better defend the town. Over the centuries, the city changed hands until it arrived in the hands of the Del Carretto family.

Modern age

In the modern period, Racalmuto experienced a period of great development, thanks to the arrival of the Madonna del Monte, which represents a milestone in the town's history. Racalmuto was an important religious and cultural center, with many convents, monasteries, colleges, and churches.

During this period, the temple of the Annunziata was built, one of the most important religious buildings in the town. In the 1600s, the Racalmuto artist Pietro D'Asaro left his mark in the history of art. In the 1700s, the town experienced a period of decline, but thanks to the arrival of the Gaetani family, Racalmuto saw the light again.

Contemporary age

In the last century, Racalmuto experienced significant economic development thanks to its mining activity. Today, the town has seen a strong growth in agriculture and a partial decline in mining activities.


The emblem and banner of Racalmuto were granted by the Italian Republic in 1970. According to the poet and historian Nicolò Tinebra Martorana, the man depicted in the emblem was not naked but dressed like a Roman warrior.


Racalmuto is a town that has been able to withstand the difficulties of time, preserving its culture and identity. Its geographical location and climate make it ideal for lovers of the sea and nature. If you plan to visit Sicily, Racalmuto is definitely worth a visit.

Marco Rossi
Wrote by Marco Rossi
Updated Tuesday, Jan 18, 2022