Quinto Vicentino

Welcome to Quinto Vicentino!

We are pleased to introduce Quinto Vicentino, an Italian municipality in the province of Vicenza, located in the Veneto region. With a population of 5796 inhabitants, our municipality is a place where history, culture, and architectural beauty coexist.

The history of Quinto Vicentino

The name of our municipality derives from its location at the "fifth" Roman milestone from Vicenza, along the Via Postumia that connected Genoa with Aquileia. The territory of Quinto was ruled first by the nobles of Lanzè and then during the Scaliger era and the Venetian domination. In 1404, Quinto became part of the Domini di Terraferma of the Serenissima, before being ceded to Austria in 1797.

Welcome to Quinto Vicentino: history, monuments and culture.

Monuments and places of interest

The municipal building of Quinto is hosted in the suggestive Villa Thiene, designed by Andrea Palladio between 1545 and 1546. Another important attraction is the parish church of San Giorgio, dating back to the mid-eighteenth century. The municipality also has other churches such as the one dedicated to Saints Biagio and Rocco in Lanzè and that of San Michele Arcangelo in Valproto.

Culture and education

Quinto boasts a lively cultural scene and numerous events, including the traditional "Fiera di San Martino" with the representation of ancient artisan trades in period costumes. In the capital and its hamlets, there are three kindergartens, a primary school, and a lower secondary school. In Lanzè, there is an integrated nursery school and in the capital, there is the Municipal Library, connected with other libraries in the vicinity.


Our coat of arms, granted by a royal decree on March 10, 1932, depicts a fifth Roman milestone representing the origin of our name. Our gonfalon, granted instead with a D.P.R. on January 24, 1956, is a split green and red cloth.

We hope you enjoy our municipality and that you can visit all the places of interest we have described. We are waiting for you with open arms in Quinto Vicentino!

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Tuesday, Nov 22, 2022