Quinto Vercellese

Exploring the Municipality of Quinto Vercellese

Welcome to the Municipality of Quinto Vercellese, a small gem in Piedmont, located in the province of Vercelli, Italy. With a population of 391 inhabitants, this municipality offers many attractions for art, architecture, and history lovers.

History of the Municipality of Quinto Vercellese

The symbol of the Municipality of Quinto Vercellese was granted with a decree on November 27th, 1992. The municipality's flag is a trapezoidal cloth of green and yellow. The area where the Municipality of Quinto Vercellese is located has been inhabited since ancient times. The town developed between the 12th and 13th centuries when the Avogadro, a noble Vercelli family, built a fortress on the existing structure. The castle is the most representative monument of Quinto Vercellese, and it was initially built for defensive purposes. In the Renaissance, thanks to the conquest of the territory by the House of Savoy, the Avogadro were able to regain possession of the castle. Later, the fortress was transformed into a large agricultural business by the new owners. In the castle, you can admire the military chapel of San Pietro, which houses a collection of precious frescoes dating back to the 13th to 16th centuries.

Quinto Vercellese: History, Art and Architecture in Piedmont.

Monuments and Places of Interest

In addition to the castle, Quinto Vercellese boasts numerous other monuments and places of interest.

The Church of Saints Nazario and Celso

The Church of Saints Nazario and Celso is considered one of the most representative churches of Romanesque-Gothic architecture in the region. Already attested in 964, this church was built in three different phases. You can easily distinguish the different construction phases by observing the church's facade, where the portion corresponding to the central nave is made up of recovery materials from the pre-Romanesque period, the left nave was added during the Romanesque period, and the right nave dates back to the Gothic period. The bell tower was built around 1466 in a late Romanesque style. Inside the church, you can admire the precious frescoes dating back to the Romanesque and Gothic phases, which cover most of the walls. In particular, the apse houses a fresco of the "Pantocrator Christ," while the lateral figures of "Saints Peter and Paul" date back to the end of the 14th century.

Image Gallery

In this image gallery, you can see some photos of the castle, church facade, and interior. You can admire, among other things, the frescoed apse of the church, the internal courtyard of the castle, and the lateral chapels of the nave.


The Municipality of Quinto Vercellese is a charming place for art and history lovers, with its medieval castle and Romanesque-Gothic church. If you visit Piedmont, we strongly recommend stopping in Quinto Vercellese and admiring its beauties.

Davide Neri
Wrote by Davide Neri
Updated Sunday, Jan 8, 2023