
Discovering Quindici, a historic town

Quindici is a town in the province of Avellino, located on the border of the Nola area and the Nocerino-Sarnese agro. It extends over a hilly territory, at the foot of Mount Pizzo d'Alvano and in the green basin of the Vallo di Lauro.

History of Quindici

The area where the Municipality of Quindici stands today has been inhabited since prehistoric times. During the historical era, numerous peoples settled in this area, including the Ausones, Opici, Oscans, Etruscans, Greeks, Samnites, and finally the Romans. The Romans conquered the Vallo Lauretano and settled a military garrison in Quindici. At the time of the Romans, there were "fifteen" farms, or family-run agricultural companies, in the area. This was precisely the reason why the Romans used the Latin expression "ad quindecim praedia" or "ad quindecim villas".

Over time, the phrase was abbreviated to the number "Quindecim". In the curialesque jargon of the sixteenth century, it became "Quindecium" and finally, Italianized as Quindici. However, there are still several hypotheses about the origin of the toponym.

Discover the history of Quindici: a historic commune.

Society and economy

Quindici is a town with a population of 1827 inhabitants. Its economy is mainly based on agriculture and livestock farming. In the past, the town experienced a period of great splendor during the Renaissance, when twenty churches were built. Quindici has had various noble families as lords, including the Orsini, Sanseverino, Pignatelli, and Lancellotti.

Infrastructure and transport

The Municipality of Quindici is located a short distance from the SS7 bis road. In addition, it can be reached by train, using the Naples-Salerno railway line.

Administration of Quindici

From 1962 to 1972, Graziano Fiore served as mayor of Quindici. The town is part of the Partenio-Vallo di Lauro Mountain Community and the Union of Ancient Clanis Municipalities.

1998 Landslide

On May 5, 1998, the Municipality of Quindici was hit, together with the neighboring towns of Sarno, Bracigliano, and Siano, by a serious mudslide that affected half of the municipal territory. The event caused the destruction of many houses and the death of 137 people in Sarno alone.

In summary, Quindici is a town in the province of Avellino rich in history and culture. Its economy is mainly based on agriculture and livestock farming, while infrastructure and transport make it easily accessible. However, the town has also experienced difficult moments, such as the 1998 landslide, which caused damage and mourning in neighboring communities.

Francesco Serra
Updated Monday, Dec 5, 2022