
Exploring Quiliano

Hello everyone! Let me tell you about Quiliano, a small town in the province of Savona in Liguria. The town has about 6834 inhabitants and is located in the immediate hinterland between Savona and Vado Ligure. Quiliano is a place that maintains the charm of the past and the geography of the territory has been preserved and maintained in its primitive state.

Physical geography of Quiliano

The town is located on the left bank of the fertile plain of the Quiliano stream, composed of the convergence of the Danè and Trexenda. In the Quiliano valley, we find Mount Burot, which measures 746 meters and Mount Baraccone, which instead is 819 meters, both forming a natural amphitheatre. The parallel valley of the Quazzola stream, in Roman times crossed by the Via Emilia Scauri and now by the A6 motorway, ends at Colle di Cadibona or Bocchetta di Altare at 459 meters above sea level, with the watershed between the Ligurian Alps and the Ligurian Apennines.

Discover the beauty of Quiliano: history, nature and gastronomy in Liguria.

The history of Quiliano

The territory of Quiliano was called "Aquilianum" during the domination of the Roman Empire. In the 10th century, the Quazzola valley was included in the Aleramici and from 1091 in the possessions of Bonifacio del Vasto. Subsequently, the territory was inherited by the Del Carretto marquises who sold it, in 1192, to Savona which turned it into a small fiefdom - beyond its territorial boundaries - further divided between the municipal entity and the bishop of the Diocese of Savona. In 1385, the bishop's fief was ceded to Genoa. Only in 1407, the Savona fief of Quiliano managed to elect its own local podestà and have local autonomous statutes and benefits from the Savona municipality.

In 1523-1525, the Republic of Genoa occupied the Quiliano fief, but in 1528 an agreement was reached between the parties that led to the division of the Quiliano territory into two blocks: the first administered by the Savonese and the second by the Genoese. With the fall of the Republic of Genoa, in 1797, following the French revolution and the Campaign of Italy by Napoleon Bonaparte, the territory of Quiliano returned from December 2, 1797 in the Department of Letimbro. In 1815, the municipality of Quiliano was incorporated into the Kingdom of Sardinia and subsequently into the Kingdom of Italy in 1861.

What to see in Quiliano

If you decide to visit Quiliano, you should definitely see the remains from the Roman era, including the bridge dating back to the 1st and 2nd centuries that is along the ancient itinerary of the Via Julia Augusta. Exploring the territory, you can enjoy the wonderful scenery formed by pastures, vegetation and a mountain landscape that will leave you speechless. In addition, the municipality of Quiliano is a stone's throw from the sea, so you can enjoy both the beautiful mountain view and the magnificent sea view.

Climate in Quiliano

Quiliano enjoys a typical Mediterranean climate. During the summer, temperatures reach 30 degrees Celsius, but thanks to the proximity to the sea, there is often the benefit of sea breeze. In winter, temperatures can drop to 5°C, but in general, the temperatures are very mild.

Sports and activities in Quiliano

Quiliano is a paradise for those who love outdoor sports. You can practice hiking, trekking, jogging, cycling and other outdoor activities. In addition, the municipality has a modern sports center that includes two football fields, a gym and a swimming pool.

Cuisine in Quiliano

Ligurian cuisine is famous all over the world and Quiliano is no exception. Typical dishes of the municipality include traditional Genovese pesto, linguine with white lobster sauce, gnocchi with walnut sauce, lasagne with pesto and farinata, a crispy wafer made of chickpea flour. In addition, the municipality is known for its red wines, particularly Rossese di Dolceacqua.


Quiliano is an ideal tourist destination for those who want to enjoy the rustic beauty and peaceful atmosphere of this place. If you are looking for a relaxing holiday, surrounded by nature and away from the stress of the city, Quiliano is the right choice for you. I hope I have provided enough information on the beauty of Quiliano. Come here and live an unforgettable experience!

Laura De Luca
Wrote by Laura De Luca
Updated Monday, Oct 10, 2022