Quattro Castella

Quattro Castella: discovering the four castles

Hello everyone! Today I will take you on a journey to discover Quattro Castella, a municipality in the province of Reggio Emilia, famous for its four castles located on four different hills. There is so much to see and discover, so sit back and join me on this journey!

Physical geography

Quattro Castella is located at the foothills of the Reggio Emilia Apennines and extends between the first Apennine hills and the high plains. The municipality covers an area that goes from the Val d'Enza in the west to the Crostolo Valley in the east. Reggio Emilia, the closest city, is located southwest of Quattro Castella.

Four Castles: discovering the four castles and its beauties.

Origin of the name

The name Quattro Castella (Four Castles) comes from the four castles located on the hills surrounding the town. Let's start with the east side: the Monte Vetro, which probably began as a defensive tower around 1000 AD and passed from the Canossa family to the Da Fogliano family and then to the municipality of Parma. It then returned to the Canossa family in 1354 and later became the seat of the county and the pretorate, but only a few ruins remain today.

The second castle is Bianello, the only one that remains intact. Historically linked to the Canossa castle and strategically located with respect to the Po Valley, it was the residence of the Great Countess Matilda of Canossa, who preferred it as her residence. Today it is owned by the municipality, which has purchased it entirely, and guided tours can be taken, and it can be rented for events and weddings. There is also a legend of a ghost inside the walls, but the real interest is in its historical and artistic richness.

The third castle is Monte Lucio, once a defensive tower built in the 10th century and sold to Parma in 1297. It was completely destroyed in 1307 by Azzo VIII d'Este and then rebuilt. An archaeological excavation revealed the presence of the walls of a church and numerous graves accompanied by ritual objects.

The last castle is Monte Zane, also known as Monte Zagno or Mongiovanni. The Dalla Palude family first owned it, then the people of Parma and Reggio Emilia, and in 1339 it came to the Canossa family. Today, only the central keep remains, of which one wall collapsed recently due to earthquakes.


On February 17, 1872, the hamlet of Mucciatella, currently known as Puianello, was separated from the municipality of Vezzano sul Crostolo to be annexed to the municipality of Quattro Castella.

Monuments and places of interest

In addition to the four castles, there are many other monuments and places of interest to visit in Quattro Castella.

Religious architecture

The church of Sant'Antonino Martire is located in the center of the town and was built in the 18th century in a neoclassical style. Inside, you can admire a valuable polychrome marble altar.

The "Don Bosco" oratory was built in the 20th century in a neo-Romanesque style and houses the statue of the founder of the Salesians.

Lastly, the Madonna della Battaglia church is located in reference to the Battle of Bianello. It is a small sacred building with a simple facade and interior decoration.

Military architecture

The Bianello castle, whose origins date back to 835 AD, is located in a dominant position on the hill surrounding the town. It is an imposing fortified building with four corner towers, a drawbridge, a wall, and a large inner courtyard.

In conclusion, Quattro Castella is a place full of history and charm that definitely deserves a visit. I hope I have sparked your curiosity enough to make you want to discover it in person!

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Saturday, Jul 16, 2022