
Montemagno, a hamlet of Quarrata

Hello friends, today we will talk about Montemagno, a hamlet in the province of Pistoia, precisely in the municipality of Quarrata. Montemagno is located on the northern slopes of Montalbano, a beautiful natural park that houses several hamlets, such as Forrottoli and Gironi. This small hamlet is surrounded by the watercourses of Guado, Pillone, and La Fonte, which make the territory even more picturesque.

The history of Montemagno

The first records of Montemagno date back to 1155 when Frederick Barbarossa assigned the fief to the bishop of Pistoia. In the woods, one can still find stretches of wall built by the Medici in 1626, extending about 50 km, around the hunting reserve of Barco Reale.

Montemagno: the history and beauty of a Tuscan gem.

The church of San Giovanni Evangelista

The church of San Giovanni Evangelista is the beating heart of Montemagno. It is a medieval building, initially dedicated to St. John the Baptist, but later named after St. John the Evangelist in 1535. Above the main altar, one can admire a painting by Girolamo Scaglia depicting the Transfiguration of Jesus.

Image gallery

Here is a small image gallery of Montemagno to help you appreciate its beauty:

[Insert images present in the "Image gallery" section]


If you are curious to learn more about the history of Montemagno, I recommend reading the book "Quarrata - Identity of a Territory" by Franco Benesperi, published in 2007.

Other projects

If you want to know more about Montemagno, you can visit the following links:

Thank you for reading my article on Montemagno, a small Tuscan gem that is worth visiting!

Davide Neri
Wrote by Davide Neri
Updated Monday, Jun 27, 2022