
Welcome to Quarrata!

Hello everyone! Today I will talk about Quarrata, a beautiful municipality in the province of Pistoia in Tuscany. With its 26,831 inhabitants, the city is known as the "furniture city" thanks to the numerous factories that produce and sell furniture throughout Italy.

Let's discover the physical geography of Quarrata

Quarrata is located between Prato and Pistoia, at the foot of Mount Montalbano, and covers an area of ​​about 46 km². The central part of the city is 48 meters above sea level, while the highest point is the Sasso Regino at 551 meters. Quarrata falls within seismic zone 3S, meaning that seismic activity in this area is medium-low. The city belongs to climate zone D with a value of 1691 degree-days, and has low atmospheric diffusivity, as demonstrated by the Ibimet CNR data from 2002.

Quarrata: history, geography and symbols of a Tuscan town.

The history of Quarrata

The history of Quarrata dates back to the Etruscan era. There is no certain evidence that the Etruscans inhabited the plain where the town now stands. The area was swampy, so the Etruscans only used the plain as a transit and communication route. It was the Romans who reclaimed the land through a centuriation system, dividing the land into portions. The toponym "Quarrata" could still derive from the Latin adjective "quadrata", precisely because the land was divided in this way.

During the Middle Ages, Quarrata was part of the territory of Tizzana, a castle located at the foot of Mount Montalbano. The city was very important because of its position, which allowed it to control the entire plain. During the 13th century, Quarrata and Pistoia disputed ownership of the territory until, after the siege of Pistoia in 1306, it was taken by the Florentines. Tizzana lost the military importance it had and today only a few traces of the castle remain.

In the 19th century, the town hall was moved to the plain, first to Vignole and then to Quarrata. During the fascist period, a neo-Renaissance building was erected, which has now been replaced by a modern one. In 1959, the name of the municipality was officially changed to Quarrata, and since then the city has become famous for furniture production, one of the cornerstones of the local economy. In 1969, Quarrata was granted the title of "city".

Let's discover the symbols of Quarrata

The coat of arms and flag of Quarrata were granted by a decree of the head of the government and the prime minister secretary of state in 1928, while the banner was granted by a decree of the president of the Republic in 2019. The band in the coat of arms incorporates the traditional checkered pattern of the Pistoia coat of arms, of which Quarrata was a part.


Quarrata is a fascinating city with an ancient and interesting history. The city is known for furniture production, but also for its geographical location and beautiful landscape. If you are planning a visit to Tuscany, I recommend stopping in Quarrata to discover its unique beauty and numerous historical sites.

Davide Neri
Wrote by Davide Neri
Updated Monday, Jun 27, 2022