
A brief guide to the province of Asti

The province of Asti is located in the Piedmont region, in the northwest of Italy. The provincial capital is Asti, but there are 120 municipalities in total, and it has a population of about 207,700 inhabitants. The province borders the metropolitan city of Turin, the province of Alessandria, Liguria, and the province of Cuneo.

The history of the province of Asti

The province of Asti has a long history that dates back to 1620 when Carlo Emanuele I announced the existence of the province. Over the centuries, the province grew and underwent various dominations, from the French Republics to the Napoleonic Empire. In 1814, it returned under the domination of the House of Savoy.

In 1859, the province of Asti was suppressed and replaced by the district of Asti, which was part of the province of Alessandria. In 1935, Mussolini's government reconstituted the province of Asti with its capital in Asti and 105 municipalities. After World War II, the province was further expanded and reached its current 120 municipalities.

Discovering the province of Asti: history, culture and tourism.

The province of Asti today

Today, the province of Asti is a highly wine-producing area and famous for its wines, including the famous Asti Spumante. The province is also known for its folkloric events, such as the Corsa delle Botti in Nizza Monferrato and the Palio in Asti. Additionally, there are numerous churches and castles in the province, making it an interesting tourist destination for those who love culture and history.

Floods in the province of Asti

The province of Asti has experienced several floods over the years, including those of 1948, 1968, and 1994, which caused significant damage and some fatalities. However, the province has always been able to recover and rebuild the affected areas, showing strong resilience.


The province of Asti is a very interesting area from a historical, cultural, and tourist point of view. With its municipalities, the province offers a wide range of attractions for all tastes. However, the province has also experienced several floods that have caused problems for the population. Nevertheless, the province of Asti has shown strong resilience and will continue to be a leading cultural and tourist destination in Italy.

Fabio Marino
Wrote by Fabio Marino
Updated Sunday, May 29, 2022