
Proceno: an enchanted village in the heart of Monti Volsini

Proceno is one of Lazio's best-kept secrets: a village located amidst the hills of Monti Volsini, where time seems to stand still. With its 517 inhabitants, I would describe it as an enchanting place, where breathtaking natural and historical beauty abounds.

Physical Geography: between Tuscany and Lazio

Proceno is located in the province of Viterbo on a hill that slopes towards the confluence of the Stridolone stream and the Paglia river. The town is situated on the northwestern slopes of the volcanic relief, and is surrounded by lush and unspoiled nature. Additionally, Proceno is located on the border with Tuscany, which makes its territory even more interesting.

The climate of Proceno is classified as a type E climate with a GR/G of 2295.

Proceno: the enchanted pearl of the Monti Volsini.

History: between legends and the Middle Ages

The history of Proceno is rich in legends and mysteries that merge with its Etruscan origins. In fact, it is said that the village was founded by Porsenna in the sixth century BC. In the Middle Ages, Proceno was part of the Tuscan Marches and was inherited by the Church after the death of Matilde di Canossa in 1115. Later, it was subjugated to the Commune of Siena and once belonged to the Sforza and Cecchini families, whose monumental Castle remains one of the symbols of Proceno.

One historical curiosity of Proceno is the presence of a plaque from the Italian Society of Physics in Centeno, one of its hamlets. An important historical testimony has been placed in the farmhouse where Galileo Galilei stayed. In fact, Galileo had to quarantine there due to the plague epidemic of 1633.

Monuments and Places of Interest: a cultural heritage to be discovered

Proceno's cultural heritage is extraordinary and ranges from religious monuments to civil architecture.

Among the religious architecture, the Parish Church, the Church of Sant'Agnese, and the Church of Santa Maria del Giglio are worth a visit. These three medieval churches have been extensively restored throughout different historical periods and retain remnants of original structures and interesting altars and decorations from the 16th century onwards. In particular, the fifteenth-century frescoes of Santa Maria del Giglio are of rare beauty and breathtaking.

Among the civil architecture, however, the Castle built in the twelfth century by the Cecchini family, and the numerous medieval buildings in the historic center cannot be ignored. Although in a state of decay, they represent an important historical testimony of medieval architecture.

Society and Economy

Today, Proceno has 517 inhabitants, but the number of active businesses is growing. According to data from ISTAT, in 2015 Proceno had 44 active businesses and 96 employees. Although these numbers are modest, it should be noted that many artisans continue to work in the historic center.

Proceno's economy is mainly based on agriculture and tourism. The beauty of its village and its territory attracts many visitors each year, Italian and foreign, who are in search of unspoiled landscapes and a millennium-old history.

Discover and Experience Proceno

Proceno is a unique gem in the heart of Monti Volsini, an unspoiled village full of charm. Here you can take a gastronomic journey to discover traditional products, visit museums and historical monuments, or immerse yourself in nature, through walks in the woods or excursions on the surrounding mountains.

Proceno is the perfect destination for those seeking a vacation away from the chaos of cities, where time is marked by the slow rhythms of country life and where the warmth of its inhabitants greets tourists warmly. If you want to discover one of Lazio's best-kept secrets, I invite you to visit Proceno: you will not be disappointed.

Andrea Fontana
Updated Sunday, Mar 13, 2022