Prignano sulla Secchia

Welcome to Prignano sulla Secchia!

If you love nature and the hills, then Prignano sulla Secchia is the perfect place for you! Located in the province of Modena, in Emilia-Romagna, southwest of the capital, this Italian town is characterized by its privileged position in the first range of the Modenese Apennines, nestled in the valleys crossed by the Secchia river and one of its tributaries, the Rossenna stream.

A land rich in nature and wildlife

The Prignano territory is characterized by the presence of oak forests and, near waterways, poplars and willows, and the predominantly clayey nature of the soil has allowed for the formation of ravines. It is an environment suitable for large ungulate fauna, such as deer, roe deer and wild boar, as well as other mammals such as foxes, badgers, polecats, weasels, hares and various small rodents and insectivores.

Prignano sulla Secchia: nature and wildlife among the hills.

A look at the physical geography

The municipal territory of Prignano is included in the 'internal hill' altitude zone, with an altitude ranging from 168 to 870 meters above sea level, reached in the Faeto locality, with a total difference in altitude of 702 meters. Following the Ordinance P.C.M. n. 3274 of March 20, 2003, the Municipality of Prignano sulla Secchia was classified in zone 3, with low seismicity.

The climate of Prignano sulla Secchia

According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of August 26, 1993, n. 412, the Municipality of Prignano sulla Secchia falls within the E climate zone, which has a number of degree days ranging from over 2100 to 3000. For the switch-on of heating systems, the maximum limit allowed is 14 hours per day from October 15 to April 15.

The origins of the name of Prignano sulla Secchia

The name Prignano has a probable Latin origin and the original form is not known with certainty. The toponym has had various representations over the centuries, such as Periniana, Piriniana, Perinianum, Pirinianum, Prinianu and Pregnanum. There are hypotheses that the name derives from the personal name Pèrennius, or that the original form was the neuter Prennianum and that the construction of the etymology could be reconstructed as 'Prœ – amni –anum'/'Prœ –mni –anum', from amnis which means "river". Local historian Giovanni Berti favors the etymological hypothesis in Pèrennianus (fundus).

Finally, Prignano sulla Secchia is part of the Union of municipalities of the ceramic district, together with Fiorano Modenese, Formigine, Maranello, Sassuolo, Frassinoro, Montefiorino and Palagano.

We are sure that you have already planned your trip to discover Prignano sulla Secchia and you will enjoy the beauty of nature and the history of this enchanting Italian locality!

Martina Caruso
Updated Thursday, Mar 31, 2022