
Prevalle: a Municipality in Lombardy

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about Prevalle, a municipality in the province of Brescia in Lombardy, which has about 6800 inhabitants. I like to think of Prevalle as a small but welcoming community, and I can't wait to share some interesting facts with you about its geography, history, monuments, and administration.

Physical Geography

Prevalle is located east of Brescia, between Monte Budellone and the Chiese River, and is characterized by mostly flat terrain. However, the municipal boundary also extends to the top of Monte Budellone and includes the Regional Natural Monument of Buco del Frate, which houses a cave significant for its fauna and historical discoveries.

Discover Prevalle: history, monuments, and natural beauty.


Prevalle was established as a municipality in 1928 from the union of the communities of Goglione Sopra and Goglione Sotto, along with the two parishes of San Michele and San Zenone. The municipal coat of arms, used since 1956, represents the values that unite the community of Prevalle: tradition, civilization, and progress. One of the most famous architectural works in Prevalle is the Morani-Cantoni Palace, dating back to the 18th century and now serving as the seat of the municipality.

Monuments and Places of Interest

The two parish churches of San Zenone and San Michele represent the religious history of Prevalle, with numerous valuable works of art inside. The Carrozzone Sanctuary, dedicated to the Madonna, was built as thanks for averting an epidemic in 1830.


Prevalle has about 1535 foreign residents, among whom the most represented nationalities are Albania, Morocco, Romania, and Pakistan. The Prevalle community is multicultural and lively and promotes inclusion and respect for diversity.


Prevalle's public administration has a long history, with several mayors elected directly by the population. The current mayor is Damiano Giustacchini, representative of the Lega Nord.

I hope I have been useful in helping you get to know Prevalle better, a municipality rich in history and natural beauty. If you have the chance, I recommend visiting in person and discovering all the wonders it has to offer. See you next time!

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Thursday, Nov 17, 2022