
Welcome to Pressana: Introduction to the Municipality

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about Pressana, a municipality located in the Veneto region with a population of 2502 people, approximately 42 kilometers southeast of Verona. It borders the province of Padua and is crossed by the Guà, a river that was once navigable. But let's discover more about this fascinating location!

Physical Geography: Discovering the Territory

Pressana is a very picturesque municipality, surrounded by an enchanting natural landscape. It is located in a strategic position between Verona and Padua, two important cities in the Veneto region. The Guà River, which runs through its territory, has marked the history and life of the people in this place. Pressana covers an area of approximately 5.41 square kilometers and its maximum altitude reaches 23 meters above sea level.

Pressana: the millenary history of a fascinating municipality.

Etymology: The Story behind the Name Pressana

The name of the municipality of Pressana has ancient and very suggestive origins. In fact, it derives from the noble Roman Persius and was previously known as Sule, due to the presence of sandy islets in the Adige River that once passed through the area, and Quari, for the "ford crossings" present on the river. These roots, dating back to the Roman era, have constituted the foundations of the history and culture of Pressana.

History: A Journey into Pressana's Past

Pressana, like many municipalities in Italy, has an ancient and eventful history that has marked the territory and the life of its people. Would you like to discover more? I will take you on a journey through the past of this Venetian locality, discovering the traces of the ancient civilizations that once inhabited it.

Prehistory: Pressana's First Inhabitants

Pressana has a millenary history that begins with the presence of its first inhabitants during prehistoric times. In the Pressanese territory, lithic tools dating back to the Neolithic period (end of the 5th millennium BC) have been found. At the end of the Copper Age and the beginning of the Bronze Age, flint objects were unearthed, such as a Stilo dagger, two pedunculated arrowheads, and a bifacial tool. In Caselle, a bifacial flint blade measuring 8.4 centimeters long, two settlements were found: the first from the Middle Bronze Age in Europe (15th-14th century BC) and a vast settlement from the latest phase of the Bronze Age (13th-12th century BC).

Roman Period: The Creation of the Colony

During the protohistoric period, the Veneti settled in the territory, followed by the arrival of the Roman legions in 89 BC. After the Battle of Actium in 31 BC, Octavian Augustus assigned the land to the veterans of the XI Roman Legion, in order to establish a colony. Like the entire area, the grid of centuriation was established. Although there are no present structures from the Roman era, numerous traces of Roman presence can be found in Pressana. Some of the city's streets are transformed from Roman toponyms, such as "via Carbon" from the Latin "Cardo," "via Carobale" from the Latin "Cardo vallis," and "via Calmaora" from the Latin "Callis major." In addition, numerous villae rusticae, domus, and family tombs can be found. Near the municipality, a white slab was also found, probably dating back to the 1st century BC, with a bas-relief depicting Asclepius with the serpent.

Here is a brief account of Pressana's past, a municipality that, like few others, encompasses the beauty and history of Italy. I hope you have enjoyed this journey through time and I invite you to visit this locality to discover all its beauties in person!

Alessandro Romano
Updated Monday, Mar 28, 2022