
Discovering Presenzano!

Hello everyone, today we are going to talk about Presenzano, a small town in the province of Caserta in Campania, with a population of just 1618 inhabitants.

Presenzano has a long and interesting history, dating back to the medieval era, when the population moved to the hill for strategic reasons and built a castle. The settlement was named Presenzano, a derivative of the Latin gentilic "Praesentius".

The castle of Presenzano, now in ruins, is a quadrilateral structure built with the walls of the Samnite enclosure. Belonging to the Barons d'Avalos and later to del Balzo, the ruins of the keep and the enclosure with square or cylindrical towers are still visible.

In the locality of Taverna San Felice is the amphitheater of the ancient "Rufrae" dating back to the Sannite era. During excavations necessary for irrigation pipes, some archaeological finds came to light, including: votive terracotta figurines dating back to the 6th century BC, remains of an ancient polygonal wall, a small amphitheater, a necropolis, and a sanctuary, the latter two predating the Roman conquest.

Presenzano is also famous for the Romanesque church of San Nicola, with a hut structure and a marble portal surmounted by a lunette richly decorated with cherubs and a central fresco. The interior of the church has three naves separated by Romanesque arches in tuffeau stone, with a Gothic pointed arch on the right, surmounted by a Romanesque arch. The church was renovated thanks to funds allocated following the earthquake of 1980.

Furthermore, the church of the Annunziata, altered in its Renaissance appearance by the nineteenth century which gave it a neo-Gothic appearance, is another interesting destination for visitors.

How to get to Presenzano

Presenzano is located in Campania, about 80 km from Naples and 40 km from Caserta. By car, you can reach it through the A1 motorway, exiting at Caianello and then following the SS 6 until the exit for Presenzano. Alternatively, you can take the train to Caianello station and from there take a bus to Presenzano.

Presenting: History, Culture, and Campanian Cuisine.

What to eat in Presenzano

Presenzano's cuisine is typical of the Campania tradition and offers delicacies such as homemade pasta, gnocchi alla sorrentina, buffalo mozzarella, Piennolo del Vesuvio cherry tomatoes, fresh fish, and buffalo meat. In addition, as a dessert, you can taste the delicious zeppole di San Giuseppe.


In conclusion, Presenzano is an excellent choice for a day trip to discover the lesser-known Campania, with its rich history, pristine nature, and excellent cuisine. We recommend visiting the amphitheater of the ancient Rufrae, the castle in ruins, the Romanesque church of San Nicola, and the church of the Annunziata to discover the history of this town. Don't forget to taste the typical dishes of the area, along with the renowned buffalo mozzarella and zeppole di San Giuseppe.

We are sure you will be fascinated by this small town in the province of Caserta. Enjoy your visit to Presenzano!

Camilla Ricci
Wrote by Camilla Ricci
Updated Thursday, Dec 22, 2022