
HelloPremana: discovering the place of iron handicraft

Premana, a true gem in the province of Lecco, is mainly known for its iron handicraft. In this text, we will take you on a journey of discovery of the Italian municipality of 2205 inhabitants, its history, culture, and local traditions.

Physical geography

The village site is located in Valvarrone, between the Legnone and Pizzo Alto mountains in the Orobic Alps. The culture of the mountains and nature are fundamental to the daily life of the city.

Premana, the jewel of railway craftsmanship.


Premana still preserves the remains of its mining and ironworking activities, dating back to the Duchy of Milan. During the Second World War, the territory of Premana became a prominent logistics base for the local resistance due to its difficult geographical location.

Monuments and Places of Interest

The historic center of Premana retains the layout of a medieval city with an ancient portico and public oven, while the former Bellati forges date back to 1759. The main religious building in Premana is the Church of San Dionigi, while the Oratory of the Immaculate Madonna, built during the late Middle Ages, houses various finely-crafted paintings.


The population of Premana has grown over the years, reaching 817 in 1722, 761 in 1771, 894 in 1805, 1584 after the annexation of Casargo and Pagnona in 1809, and 1060 in 1853.


Premana has a very interesting cultural heritage ranging from the ethnographic museum to ancient traditions. The museum is a true window into the history and traditions of the city, while popular festivities such as the Immaculate Madonna and St. Anthony Abbot are among the most famous in the area.


The Giir di Mont represents one of the most famous sports events in Premana. It is a mountain running competition, also known as Skyrunning, which winds through the 12 alpine pastures of the city.

In conclusion, Premana represents a small paradise immersed in the Orobic Alps, embellished by the tradition of iron handicraft, the natural beauty of the territory, and the numerous cultural and religious traditions that animate the village. If you want to visit Premana, be prepared to immerse yourself in a world of ancient villages, historical remains, and refined artistic treasures that encapsulate the local history and culture of this jewel of Lombardy.

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Wednesday, Apr 6, 2022