Pregnana Milanese

Hi everyone! Today I will talk about a very interesting city located in the metropolitan city of Milan, in Lombardy: Pregnana Milanese! With a population of 7,311 inhabitants, Pregnana Milanese is famous for its natural beauty and important cultural attractions. In this text, I will guide you through the history of the city and talk about the most interesting monuments and places you can visit if you decide to take a tour of Pregnana Milanese.


The village of Pregnana Milanese has a long and rich history. The first documentary news we have dates back to the 12th century, when the settlement was sacked by the armies of Frederick Barbarossa. However, it is believed that the name of the city dates back to a Roman proper name Proenius or Perennius.

In the "Liber Notitiae Sanctorum Mediolani" by Goffredo da Bussero, we know that Pregnana was included in the parish of Nerviano and there was the church of San Pietro, also listed in the census ordered by Duke Gian Galeazzo Visconti.

During the following centuries, the city had various waves of famine that limited its growth and development. It was only at the end of the 19th century that the country began to slowly transform from agricultural to industrial, thanks to the passage of the Villoresi Canal and the construction of the Domodossola-Milan Railway.

In 1900, the government granted the municipal council to add the designation "Milanese" to the name of Pregnana to distinguish it from other existing homonymous municipalities. In 1925, the first weaving plant was established in the city, while in 1962 Olivetti established its Research and Development center. Among the various results of these researches was the birth, in 1962-1964, of the world's first personal computer: Programma 101.

Pregnana Milanese: history, monuments and attractions

Monuments and places of interest

Parish Church of Saints Peter and Paul

One of Pregnana Milanese's most important attractions is certainly the Parish Church of Saints Peter and Paul. Built during World War II, it is an important building designed by Don Giuseppe Fumagalli and consecrated on June 30, 1945, by Cardinal Ildefonso Schuster. The internal paintings were made by the painter Natale Penati and represent the life and martyrdom of the patron saints Peter and Paul. The church is also decorated with frescoes depicting the Last Supper and the Crucifixion.

Other monuments and places of interest

In addition to the Parish Church of Saints Peter and Paul, Pregnana Milanese is famous for other important points of interest. Among these, there are the following churches:

Other attractions of Pregnana Milanese include:


Pregnana Milanese is a city rich in history and cultural attractions. If you have the chance to visit it, don't miss the beauty of the Parish Church of Saints Peter and Paul and the other churches that characterize the territory. Don't miss the Umberto Gallina Retirement Home, the "Antonino Romano" Municipal Park and the Municipal Sports Center either. In short, Pregnana Milanese is a city that has a lot to offer its visitors!

Elisa Lombardi
Updated Saturday, Aug 13, 2022