
Welcome to Preganziol, a Venetian Municipality

Hello everyone! Today we will talk about Preganziol, a Venetian municipality located in the province of Treviso.

Physical Geography

Preganziol is a completely flat area and the terrain is mainly clay. This has allowed the presence of numerous watercourses, such as the Zermanson, Serva, Bigonzo, and Dosson, all tributaries of the Sile River. Although these watercourses are of modest flow and length, they are still important for the area.

Preganziol: history and geography of a Venetian municipality.

Origins of the Name

The toponym Preganziol has an interesting history. The first part of the name, "prà", means meadow and indicates that the area has many lands suitable for grazing livestock. The second part, instead, is still being discussed today. Some say that it derives from the name of the ancient owner, a certain Golza or Galzolo, while others maintain that it refers to a Venetian term that means forest, thus indicating a meadow protected by a forest.


There are traces of human presence in the territory of Preganziol since the Roman era. In the past, the area was rich in vegetation and forests. In 1170, Preganziol was mentioned as "prati Golzoli" in a papal bull by Pope Alexander III, who donated the local church to the Chapter of the Canons of Treviso.

In 1350, the pestilence decimated the population and, to promote repopulation of the area, the municipality of Treviso offered tax breaks to those who settled in Preganziol. In 1807, the municipality of Preganziol officially emerged, but two years later it was abolished to be annexed to the municipality of Treviso. In 1816, the municipality of Preganziol separated definitively from Treviso and assumed its current configuration.


The municipal coat of arms, granted to us by the president of the Republic in 1983, tells the story of the municipality: the forest on the right symbolizes the origin of the name, while the factory on the left testifies to the importance of local industry. Over the subjects, there is a pastoral staff with an ear of wheat and a corn cob, a symbol of abundance.


Here we are at the end of our journey to discover Preganziol. I hope this brief guide has pleased you and enriched you with new information about the history and geography of this municipality. If you are in the area, I recommend visiting it and discovering the beauty of its nature and the richness of its history in person. Thank you for reading and see you soon!

Matteo Ferrari
Updated Monday, Jun 6, 2022